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Friday, November 01, 2002

You know, I really, -really- like the piece of Havothi poetry I came up with for the epilogue of MooT. I want to do something more with it, but I don't know -what-, exactly. I don't know if I want to make some kind of illuminated...something...out of it, or use it in a layout, or... I dunno. *Shrug* I love it, though.

My poetry has gotten better as I've gotten older. I'd like to say that I wrote nothing but mediocre haiku, but good God would -that- be a lie and a half. Not that I wrote nothing but crap, but most of it was. Ah well, I'll live and I can always destroy it before it gets published in a tell-all memoir or something. Heh.

Motherless Brooklyn is really good, so far... It makes me wanna write, too. I have no idea if I'll do it... Maybe. I'm going to go housesit next week, so I'll have some different surroundings, different outside stimuli...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:11 AM |

And speaking of writing, of words...

It's dangerous to fall in love with someone through their words. I know this; to read the words is not the same as knowing the author, the writer is not the poem/story/screenplay... But brilliance is alluring. Intelligence and creativity are...addicting? Not quite what I mean, but close. Words are easily twisted and molded to build something false, spun-sugar façades to beguile and tantalize...

But then again, there's also facts, heavy solid dark chocolate that you can sink your teeth into and -know-, comforting and pleasant in their own bittersweet way, reassuring.

Food and words and love, the constants of my worlds and my life. I think I'll stop there, before this gets any more surreal and rambly.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:21 AM |

Great. I'm a Fresh Corpse. Thanks, Reesa! *Snicker*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:00 PM |

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Oh, yum yum -- a Krycek episode! And one wherein Mulder finally gets audited to within an inch of his professional life...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:07 AM |

Uh, Mulder, baby? Since when do -you- pronounce it 'ore-eeh-gone'?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:10 AM |

What, did the state of Oregon issue a statement regarding the proper way to say the name of their state?

And good God above but whoever directed the scene between the CSM and Krycek managed to make CSM look hideous and Alex like a man with the eyes of some large, wild cat (-lovely-), all with the same lighting.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:18 AM |

Scully (breathily, as Mulder manhandles her): I... I jus' hit the ground....
Mulder (tenderly, carefully hauling Scully into a semi-upright position): Just lie still.
Me (watching all this): Yeah, because if she moves, she might hurt herself further, right, Mulder?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:43 AM |

Forty years of rock 'n' roll and the greatest band in the world is the freakin' Stones?

Between this and the problems with reading on TAR, it's no surprise the world is the way it is. *Siiiiigh*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:26 PM |

Riotwear: Tshirts With Which To Antagonize The Masses! (I personally want the one that says 'No really... What happened to your face?', along with the one that says 'Yes, it's real; Yes, it hurt(s); Yes, my mother still loves me'.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:36 PM |

Okay, because I know that there are at least two people out there that will get this (and because I haven't had the chance to annoy anyone else with it, yet...): Where do all of the geneticists hang out?

In Punnet Square, of course!

Please don't hurt me. *Snerk*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:25 PM |

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

The only thing worse than having a fat cat in the way while you're trying to work on the computer is having a fat -psychotic- cat in the way.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\65777777777777777777777777777777oooooooooii7l ...but then again, the fat psychotic one wasn't trying to help me type, which was a plus in its own way.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:20 AM |

Hee! *Giggles at the TV* History's Lost And Found just used two clips from A Date With Your Family!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:06 PM |

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Hee! I just figured it out -- Mulder is the Xander of the X-Files. Anything that can happen to him will, from catching the Disease Of The Week to getting bopped on the head by the Baddie Of The Week.

...*Blinkblink* Okay, event number two that I had spaced from the XF episode wherein a movie is made about Mulder and Scully -- the bones reassembling themselves. (The first one was the expression on Skinner's face during the opening sequence, when they're all watching the movie that resulted.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:20 AM |

...Or Xander is the Mulder of Buffy. *Shrug* *Grin*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:23 AM |

In what world are the Hanson Brothers (of SlapShot fame) considered 'family' entertainment? SS was rated R, yes? And hockey games are -not- 'family' entertainment -- I've been to enough games where there were members of families who were definitely -not- entertained by anything going on on-ice.

This is why I shouldn't watch TV.

Okay, I take that back. KHWL's shameless pandering to brainless little boys is why I shouldn't watch TV. There were these two marginally-attractive women on the screen, wearing wigs (well, I think they were wigs -- they certainly didn't appear to be wearing their -own- hair in very Eighties perms-to-the-waist) and 'punk-rock' clothes (deep V-neck tops, low-rise/-ride jeans), heavy makeup... Speaking the words to Nirvana's Come As You Are. They do the first verse, then the screen fades to black as Nirvana (thank God) starts playing in the background. White letters read: Did you notice they (meaning the Punk-Rock Chicks) were a little off-key? (Uh, no, I noticed they were a LOT off-key. Not to mention the fact that they WEREN'T SINGING AT ALL.) Then another line comes up, which reads, 'Neither did we.'

It's just wrong on so many levels... Well, so's the station. They run LoveLine, like, every weeknight; their morning show sucks ass (and not in a good way); and their DJs are pretty much stereotypical representations of their target demographic (which does NOT [obviously] include me. Or probably -any- females, at least none with taste and three or more braincells to rub together.). Feh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:40 AM |

All three kitties are asleep on my bed, all within six inches of each other. Toulouse is right next to me, then Muddy in the middle, and Ivan closer to the foot. It's all rather friendly, considering Toulouse's normal reaction to either of the boys coming that close is growling and yowling, and occasionally taking swipes.

Muddy's been taking brat lessons from Ivan The Terrible -- tonight, Muddy got up on top of my TV and reached up, poking at Toulouse, who was sound asleep on top of the bookcase. Needless to say, she was NOT pleased. Hee.

Speaking of Muddy, I think we're going to have to take him to a groomer and have him shaved down... His fur is so long and so silky-fine that it mats if you look at it wrong. They don't seem to be hurting him (yet), but... I'd hate to have him have problems if we can prevent them. *Ponder* 'Course, they -do- have a cheap clipper set at WalMart... Hmm. I can hold, and our diningroom table is about the right height... *Continues to let that simmer*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:47 AM |

I really don't know if I have the inspiration/gumption/desire to really pursue my current version of my life-plan. I -totally- spaced bio last Wednesday, and I didn't go to class today, either. I got a D+ on my last test, and the damn class is so freaking boring that I don't wanna go -this- Wednesday, either.

I can't decide if I want to keep going down this path. I -know- I don't want to be a TA forever, but is anyone going to want to -hire- me once I tell them (because I -would- tell them, in hopes that I'd A) get points for honesty and B) get the chance to point out all of the important bits that Alice wouldn't listen to) what happened? And is anyone going to want to trust me with anything more valuable than dishes and cleaning and laundry and other inanimate repetitive stultifying annoying crap? (Or are those the same question?)

I don't know what I'm trying to say. I had it all laid out, I knew where I was going, what I had to do to get there, and now it's all fallen apart. The best laid plans and all that...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:57 AM |

I'm just saying this because I've been thinking about it -- I'm not angry or inclined to throw things.

I don't think I'm entitled to anything beyond being allowed to live despite the fact that I'm fairly useless, most of the time. And sometimes I don't even feel that I'm entitled to -that-. (Well, okay, it's been a while since I felt that way.) I have a lot of wishes, and I have a lot of dreams, I just don't have the extensive organizational skills it takes to achieve most of them.

...At least, I'm pretty -sure- I don't feel like I'm entitled to anything. Or at the very least, I certainly hope I don't whinge on like the nitwits I knew in high school, hating their parents because they wouldn't buy them concert tickets... (Or spendy-trendy clothes, etc. My mind still boggles over the idea of spending more than about 15 bucks on a pair of jeans. Or more than about forty on a pair of shoes that don't appear to have anything going for them, aesthetically speaking. Or fifty bucks on a T-shirt. I'll stop there, lest you think I'm a cranky octegenarian.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:46 PM |

To change the subject abruptly: Ivan's okay. He went to the vet again today, a follow-up to Saturday's visit. Dr. E (who I really, really like) said that we should finish the course of antibiotics that Dr. T gave us, in case there was an abcess in the making, and that we should go ahead and worm him Just In Case. (I wish I had been able to take a picture of the face he made when Dr. E gave him the first dose of the wormer -- I don't blame him; it was banana flavored. Poor cute little baby...)

Anyhow! I feel pretty confidant that he doesn't/didn't have an abcess brewing, because he didn't have a fever when we went to Dr. T, and he was very much himself over the weekend -- running around like a maniac (well, hopping, anyhow), playing with Muddy, and the swelling went away almost overnight. Not that I'm going to -quit- giving him the amoxi-drops, but I'm not going to freak out about it, either.

One thing that I love about Dr. E is that she appreciates an intelligent pet owner. She takes time to listen, and to answer questions (even if they're kind of odd). This point was illustrated when I took Ivan to Dr. T -- he's not a doctor we've ever seen, and there -are- mitigating circumstances -- he wasn't too interested in what I knew or surmised. (The mitigating circumstances were the fact that we were the last patient/owner set to be seen, and that we'd shown up _just_ before the clinic closed, -and- we didn't have an appointment, _and_ he was running behind before we showed. So, I can understand wanting to get on with things rather than wanting to shoot the breeze. He wasn't rude, just a little brusque and taciturn. He was good with Ivan, and talked to me like I had a brain, so I'm not upset. I need to remember to send them a card, too...)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:59 PM |

Oh, and I know that my list of books is one short. The missing book is Mind Prey, by John Sanderson.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:03 PM |

Hee! I already loved Kandinsky's paintings (his later, abstract ones, that is), but now I love him as a person. He compared sunset in Moscow to a mad tuba! Heeheehee...

You just noticed I was odd? No? Okay, then.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:29 PM |

Monday, October 28, 2002

You know... Dog Days looks like the stupidest thing to run on Animal Planet since... I don't know what. Possibly Amazing Animal Videos.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:55 AM |


What box do you get put in?

brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:20 PM |

Wuh... Huh.

*Blinks at Reesa's blog*

Dammit, I _KNEW_ there was something I was gonna do this weekend. *Grumbles about destructive cats with hurt feet*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:28 PM |

FameTracker is as bad as Orbitz! *Whines and pokes at the ad proclaiming 49-dollar nights (knights? *hides*) at the Excalibur* Particularly since the temperature went down to about 33 night before last and hasn't budged. No snow, yet, but it is cold.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:58 PM |

Sunday, October 27, 2002

I went to Titlewave and Borders on Friday. I came home with 17 books, only 2 of which I've read before. This is what I ended up with:

Wheel Of The Infinite, Death Of The Necromancer, and The Element Of Fire: Martha Wells
Without Due Process, Improbable Cause, and Dismissed With Prejudice: J. A. Jance
Motherless Brooklyn: Jonathan Lethem
Flood: Andrew Vachss (who will be at TitleWave November 1st, 7:00 PM, on a tour for his autobiography The Only Child)
Expendable: James Alan Gardner
Trumpet Of The Swan Special Edition: E. B. White
The Gates Of Ivory and Two-Bit Heroes: Doris Egan
The Wayfarer Redemption: Sara Douglass
In The Garden Of Iden and Sky Coyote: Kage Baker
and last but not least, A Boy And His Tank: Leo Frankowski
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:13 AM |

The two I've read before are Trumpet Of The Swan and Death Of The Necromancer. I know I have a copy of TotS, but the Special Edition has nicer paper and illustrations. DotN was a library book, so I didn't have a copy of it already. In fact, the only Martha Wells book I had was City Of Bones, which was the first Wells I ever read, and the first thing I ever ordered from Amazon.com. (They sent me a ten-dollar gift certificate, so...)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:16 AM |

Oh, Lord, I'd forgotten how damn -funny- Small Fry and Son Of Small Fry were... *Giggles*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:46 AM |

*Blinks at the clock in the corner of the screen* Hey, cool! It set itself back like it was supposed to. Spiffy.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:37 PM |

Guh. I want some ice water, and I want my momma, and I wanna story an' a cookie an' a... Oh, no, not a cookie. I feel sick enough already... But mom and a drink of very cold water stand.

I -hate- being alone-alone. I don't mind being by myself, but all alone is not fun. (Well, okay, alone in the no-other-humans-are-here sense, rather than just-me-and-the-TV. The creatures are all still here.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:25 PM |