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Saturday, October 12, 2002
Well, the Japanese -would- say that, if I had uploaded the one I did in hiragana. *Rolls eyes*
But then, I am the one that ought to have 'Do not give this person anything sharp' and/or 'Caution: congenital idiot' tattooed on my forehead.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:09 PM |Other things that are definitely not on the 'Good' side of the ledger:
1) My room -reeks-. Mildewy carpet does not a fun place make.
2) All of the cat boxes are dirty. All three of them. And no, the cats do not only use 'their' boxes -- they use whichever is either most convenient or cleanest, I'm not sure which.
3) The AC adapter for my laptop broke (yes, -again-).
Things on the 'Good' side:
1) TAR is pretty good, for a prime-time reality series on network TV
2) I found a replacement AC adapter on eBay for nearly half of what it would cost here -- and that's -plus- shipping. It's on the less side of the half mark, even. Score. 3) I have money, so I'll be okay. I just don't know when or if I'll ever get hired again.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:47 PM |Friday, October 11, 2002
Well, I'll have plenty of time to work on all sorts of other stuff, like redesigning this page and Marc/Vic/Tikka and whatever else I may choose...
That's right. I, royal queen of Fuck-Ups, have screwed myself mightily. And have paid for it with not the ultimate price, but one close to it... I lost my job over The Bowl Incedent. Not over relentlessly correcting other people's typos, not for playing doctor and diagnosing dogs without training or license, but over throwing a fucking _bowl_. I mean, I can see their point, but...
I suppose I can always go back to IT.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:52 AM |It's really, really foggy here, and there are large trucks zooming up and down the road. I doubt they have anything to do with one another.
We also seem to have a family of magpies living in/around our back yard... I've seen at least one every day for the last week, usually sitting on the deck railing. None of our cats have noticed, however.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:06 PM |I've been playing with WebShocker, and while many people find them annoying, distracting, and/or downright distasteful, I kinda like little blinky things. This is what I've done so far:
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:13 PM |*Sing-song voice* I haaaaa~aaate Triiiiiii~poooood...
Which is why I have registered www.giantangrysquid.com with Aplus.net. Things should be up and running in a couple of days.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:15 PM |And the Japanese says 'chisai to kawaii', which means 'small and cute'. I may have mispelled 'chisai', phoo.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:16 PM |Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Well, today has been a -great- day. It started off with the information that Joey Totten was dead. Who's Joey Totten? Well, he was a great big mountain of marshmallowy, fluffy sweetness disguised as a -hyuuuuuge- Alaskan Malamute. He was put to sleep on Monday, because (allegedly, I haven't heard the details from the attending doctor/tech) he bit one or both of his owners. Again, allegedly, they were afraid of him, which is something that A) you -can't- do with a dog that weighs 140 pounds and has enough jaw pressure to crush cinder blocks and B) something I don't understand, because how could anyone be afraid of such a sweet boy? Gaaaah! I don't care who I would have had to fuck, suck, sell my firstborn to; I would have signed any waiver, in blood! I'd have written the whole damn thing in blood, in front of a notary public, if I'd had to, to take him home with me. No _wonder_ I always wanted to tell his owners that I'd take him, if they ever decided they didn't want him any more. Damn me and my cowardly ways -- I never did, 'cause I thought they adored him.
Then, when I came back from lunch/biology, Bob (Head Tech and Personell Consultant) asks me to come see him when I'm done with the dishes. (It's never EVER A Good Sign when someone with the power of termination says this to you, -particularly- on a slow day.) So, I find him, and he takes me back to the back office, where we meet up with Alice, our Office Manager (and basically the woman that hired me). They sit me down and talk to me about The Bowl Incedent.
The Bowl Incedent was where I, in a fit of pique and severe annoyance, threw a bowl down the hallway. This was precipitated by a number of things, including but not limited to A) the snotty, bitchy tone of voiced used by my 'I-know-everything-you-stupid-mook' cow-orker B) said 'orker's repeated interruptions of my work with things that were marginally vital to life as we knew it (dirty cages. For which I most certainly was NOT fucking responsible. I was there ON MY DAY OFF, OF MY OWN VOLITION, because we had a stupid fucking AAHA inspection coming up and I needed to get my assigned area clean.) C) the fact that -my- assigned area was fucking GROOMING, which technically is not -ours- (that is, VCA's -- our groomer rents the space from us, sets her own hours, etc.) D) the fact that our groomer was NOT there, working -her- ass off, even though her business OCCUPIES PART OF THE BUILDING THAT IS BEING INSPECTED WHETHER SHE'S AN EMPLOYEE OR NOT and last but not least D) someone took the fucking ladder while I was off dealing with some supposedly vital task so I couldn't wash the entirety of the walls.
I don't -like- Beryl, the 'orker that is quite probably (and quite frankly) the person behind my current suspension. She's an obnoxious little bitch, she often comes across as a -condescending- obnoxious little bitch, she takes/makes lengthy cell phone calls on company time, she disappears on me while I'm working (violating to me the most important rule of working with The New Kid: it's always friendlier with two and they don't always get it the first ninety-five times you show/have them do something.)... Guh. Beryl's not all that old -- she's 18 -- but _I_ have been further around the block than SHE has, I know that much. And it annoys me when she tries to act like -she- is the adult.
So anyhow. Approximately the seventy-ninth time I was interrupted, I was carrying this stupid dog dish back to the sink so it could go in the dirty dishes. (There had been a dog kept in grooming overnight because she was a spaz, only... NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT IT. So I KEPT FINDING SHIT. Literally. Figuratively. This did not help my attitude any.) She told me, in the most royally pissed-_and_-high-and-mighty tone that there were -still- dirty cages. I'd had it, shouted something approximately like "WHAT DIRTY CAGES!? WHERE!? I JUST FINISHED CLEANING ALL OF THE DIRTY ONES IN THE MEDICAL WARD!!" while just kind of gesticulating wildly, the bowl leaving my hand at the beginning of both words and actions. It flew down the hall and bounced off the back door.
Notice, please, that I did NOT throw the bowl AT Beryl. And I only threw it the once. Well, okay, I put it in the dishtub with more force than was necessary, but no one's complaining about -that-, you notice.
As most pissed-off people are wont to do, I stomped around, muttered under my breath, and slammed doors. I did -NOT-, mind you, touch a single animal -- in fact, once I was DONE with the fucking cages, I went _BACK_ to grooming and basically locked myself in there, -alone-, until I calmed down and could interact with others on a civilized and rational (more or less, anyhow...) basis. Now, Alice thinks that my reaction was beyond the pale. *Rolls eyes* Please, who -hasn't- slammed a door or two on purpose when they were angry? Of course, she -also- thinks I slammed doors and stomped around for twenty minutes, which I most certainly did NOT do. Five, maaaaaybe ten minutes, tops, but certainly not -twenty-.
So, that's the story, Morning Glory/and the word, Humming Bird. I'm going to call Alice tomorrow and give her -my- version of the events, calmly and quietly. No, it doesn't excuse what I did; no, it doesn't make it okay. It does, however, prove that I'm more a danger to -myself- than others, or to creatures. Hell, the -only- time I've -ever- done anything remotely like hitting -any- animal there has been when I've tapped on kitties' heads, at the direction of a tech or doctor! (It's a method for distracting cats during painful/tedious procedures. You just drum your fingers on their heads, mess with their ears, blow in their faces, anything to keep them focused on something -besides- biting the doc/tech. Heh.) Usually when I discepline dogs, I snap my fingers about half a centimeter from their nose and say 'No!' in a loud, firm voice; otherwise I just say 'No!' or 'Knock it off!'. I didn't even hit Precious when she bit me, and despite a deep-seated desire to boot Peanut over the fence, I never did.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:31 PM |In more cheery news, I'll probably be registering my very own domain name in the next couple of days. All I have to do is decide between Drak.net and Aplus.net for hosting...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:39 PM |Dearest Michelob,
'Low carbohydrate' beer is stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-pid. For one thing, CARBS ARE GOOD FOR YOU. Secondly, the word 'hydrate' should give a clue as to what carbs come with. (According to my biology book, every gram of stored carbohydrate is stored with three grams of water. Thus, the immediate benefit of low-carb diet is actually dehydration, which is not a benefit at all.)
Besides, don't most people think American beer -already- tastes like watered-down camel piss?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:49 PM |Er, I'm kinda cranky right now. If you like Michelob, goody. I just think that the anti-carb faction is composed of morons and nimrods, and it irks me when people harp about how they can't eat this or can't eat that with no more legitimate reason than 'well, this book -said- so'. Dude, do you do everything the TV tells you to, too?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:52 PM |I have a question. Why on God's green EARTH does El Shrub want to attack Iraq? I mean, besides the fact that he -can-, or something. Is it just 'cause Saddam's a 'Bad Guy', so We Must Fight? Is it 'cause he lets other people convince him to do things? (Can we get someone to suggest a new national policy of politicians wearing, oh, say, fried-egg lapel pins? Not made out of -real- eggs, obviously...) Or am I just another dumb broad that should not worry her pretty little head about what the big strong menfolk are doing and concentrate on catchin' me a man so's I can pop out more L'il Patriots for the good of the country?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:58 PM |I -reeeeeeally-, really wanna redesign this page, but so far, I'm strapped for ideas. *Pokes stuff* But! I did discover that I can make wee teeny animated gifs, which makes me happy. I may do a layout based on my love of Japanese Cute, which generally involves the items in question being wee and teeny.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:51 PM |...And pastel in hue. Can't forget that generalization, either. Hee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:52 PM |Tuesday, October 08, 2002
God, keep everyone I know safe... *Shivers*
And to the yahoos in the shut-down ports: get your asses back to work. I want my stuff from JList.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:56 AM |Monday, October 07, 2002
*Blinkblink* Man, TV is just making me blink all over. Anyhow! According to a commercial that I just saw, the Hanson brothers are going to be at the Aces home season opener. No, not the musical group, the guys that brought their toys along when they signed with The Cheifs.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:42 AM |And yes, SSII -was- a direct-to-video release. But hey, it has Callum Keith Rennie and Chris Chelios, so it can't be -all- bad. Hee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:44 AM |Also! I keep forgetting to mention this, but I discovered how the whole Marc/Vic/Tikka thing got started: it involves an attempted seduction of Tikka featuring ice cream. I say 'attempted' because Tikka, while choosy, is also pretty easy. Heh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:49 PM |Sunday, October 06, 2002
*Blinks at a TV commercial* SlapShot 2 is already out on DVD? Eek!
'M sick. I have finally come down with The Concert Funk, five whole days after the concert. You know, I don't go around blowing stinky, carcinogen-laced shit into the faces of perfect strangers, why do said straingers feel that it's perfectly acceptable to blow their smelly carcinogen-laced shit into -mine-? Particularly in a venue clearly labled No Smoking Or Else?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:18 PM |