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Saturday, April 20, 2002

So, in the process of attaching the last of my take-home tests to the email to my professor, I realized that I never did question three of test three. Oops.

It's too late, and I. Don't. Care. Any. More.

This doesn't mean I don't feel _guilty_, however. I'm -s'posed- to care, to do my bestest, right?

Guh. I can't decide if I want to clean out my brain by playing more FFX, or just go to sleep...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:22 AM |

SPEAKING of FFX! *Grin* _I_ figured out how to beat Seymour _without_ any of my party-members suffering Death. And I did it ALL BY MYSELF. With a method NOT LISTED in the strategy guide, and WITHOUT consulting anyone else. *Bounce* Hee. It takes so little to really excite me...

Also, if you are going to watch me play a game that -you- have played through already, _don't_ help me unless ask for it. Please? Okay. Thanks.

...yeah. Gonna go play for a few minutes. Hee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:26 AM |

Whee! One thing I love about the NHL playoffs is the 'My Story' segments. F'rinstance, I learned that Mark Parrish (of the NY Islanders) lives with two other hockey players. His nickname (for reasons not elaborated upon in the blurb) is 'babydoll'. He -also- said that he pays all the bills... Apparently, this house-sharing is rather -common- among hockey players, and no one thinks it weird...

Mmm, fodder! MmmmMMmm, better yet, -reinforcement-. *Wanders off, calling in a sing-song voice* TiiiiIIIIiiikka-chan, Maaarc, Viiiiictor... Yoo hoo...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:11 PM |

In other news, I just measured myself and discovered that, no, I -wasn't- imagining that my other pants were fitting better. *Small grump* I wish this snow would go away so Yasminda and I could get out and walk around... Of course, I could stop eating so much junk, too, but where's the fun in that?

Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:10 PM |

Joy. Responded to my emails, have my INTL335 stuff out of my hair and life FOREVER!, and only two more meetings of JPN102... *Small sad sigh* But the last meeting is actually a dinner, which should be fun. We're going to what is apparently one of the last few Japanese-owned Japanese restaurants in town, and yes, we will be required to order and/or converse in Japanese. It promises to be far more entertaining than the time my German class went to a european bakery, or on the mile+ walk that left me with half-dollar sized blisters on my heels -- it was a surprise walk, hence my lack of proper shoes.

So, gotta go wake up my mama, and then we're off to run errands and look at fabrics...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:03 PM |

Good grammar is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Not that you can tell from reading this page, some times.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:04 PM |

Friday, April 19, 2002

Gick. I managed to get peanut butter-tinged honey all over my left hand during breakfast.

Also, it seems that Yasminda and I are experiencing some sort of similar quasi-colds. Me more than her, of course... *Grumple* Oh well. At least my classes are over soon... Then I get to decide what, or if, I'm going to take over the summer. It looks like I'll be taking math and something (maybe several somethings) else over the Fall semester, then Bio and Chem in Spring semester. Hm.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:54 AM |

I found The Black Leather Jacket, today. 40 bucks, Value Village. One of the pockets was missing the zipper slide, and the leather and pocket-lining torn a little at the top part of the seam; bottom edge, shoulders, cuffs all worn with time and love... Love was in this jacket, you could just -tell-. It _smelled_ good. It fit well, even if I couldn't zip it closed -- that's not what I wanted it for, after all. It should have had a belt, down at the bottom, where there were beltloops... But there wasn't one. There was, however, a spot where a small, round pin had been secured, probably for years. The leather was supple, smooth and soft. It -felt- good, in a psychic sense... Maybe if I get Mme. Jean's parents to give me the money they owe me tomorrow? Maybe?

Not like I _need_ a BLJ like this one -- with epaulettes, even! -- but... It felt like it needed a good home. And it looked good on me, too, which was cool... I don't know what I'm saying, other than I just _know_ I'll be the one in VeTech school, taking home all the damaged/'unadoptable' creatures -- the ones missing eyes, ears, limbs, or other accessories; chronic health or behavior problems... Sigh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:11 PM |

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Wuh. I HATE POLITICS AND I HATE POLITICAL SYSTEMS AND I HATE COMPARE AND CONTRAST AND RIGHT NOW I MIGHT EVEN HATE YOU. Okay, not -really-, at least for that last one. My concentration is shot, Yasminda seems to have a cold or something, I might be coming down with something, I don't _want_ to fail this class but I really really don't wanna write these last two fucking papers and I'm almost out of M&Ms and and and...

Oh, I'll shut up, now. I _did_ get Basho done, so _that_ is a relief. I need a shower, I want to go back to bed, and I really, really, REALLY can't wait for this class to be over with.

In sad news, it looks like dinner out with my Japanese class is the last time we meet. Gotta work up the nerve to give The Girl and Melody my contact info... *Mumble* Must go back to work, now... Maybe... Guh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:56 AM |

I FOUND IT! Fearless Jones, by Walter Mosely. It's the one that I saw in B&N all those months ago... Attracted, of course, by the title. I'm a strange sucker for names with 'Jones' in them, so... *Grin* I found it, I found it, I found it!

No link right now, 'cause... well. I'm s'posed to be writing. But my animals are marginally more important than reports on governments. Whee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:46 PM |

Okay, I give up. I just -can't- concentrate. I'm going to try to tie up the last couple of loose ends for my lit paper, then print everything, take a shower, and just... try to let go. It's okay if I don't get a good grade in this class -- after all, A) my GPA to date has been a solid 4.0, if not more like 4.2. So, a grade of C or even (erk) D will not have -that- big an impact on my over all GPA. B) This is a 300-level class. I am a freshmen (basically), and I've never taken an international studies/PoliSci class before in my life. It's understandable that I floundered upon finding myself out of my depth. C) This class has no bearing on my eventual major! So, I think I'll be okay. Plus I did the two Really Big Projects, so that's more helpful than not.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:13 PM |

...should I even bother to whine about Avrath and his puppy? They're so damn -cute-...

I need to write. I have smut to finish. I need to have better self-discepline... Hmph.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:32 PM |

Going to print. Honest.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:33 PM |

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

In the midst of feverishly taking notes on Basho-, I came to a vital conclusion:

Purple M&Ms are just _wrong_. Personally, I like the colors they have now, and feel no real need to have a new one introduced.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:29 AM |

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Ooooi! Dudes, with the Army: Hey. Don't call me, I'll call you. You don't want me in the Army anyhow, as I am subversive and snotty and recalcitrant. And I like dogs better than people, I like to get up at an hour that doesn't make me sick/sleepy later in the day, I can't do regulation (or even the 'girly') pushups, my idea of Ideal PT is cleaning my room and/or walking my dog, AND I _hate_ being yelled at. Grr.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:32 AM |

So in the course of being EXTREMELY dyslexic, I completely spaced A) a take-home test B) the term paper C) the take-home tests AGAIN, and D) the presentations of both term paper and project paper.

Guess what was due today? Guess what's due THURSDAY? Guess who wishes she'd paid attention to the schedule? I have to go do JPN homework, now, and then read Basho-. And figure out how the HELL I'm supposed to write two take-home tests ('cause we got #3 week before last and #4 today...) -and- the term paper _and_ study for the Ch. 8 test...

I'm such a moron, sometimes.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:24 PM |

Monday, April 15, 2002

Me and Yasminda will be running out to the store for bread and sweets in a minute. I am SO happy there's a Fred Meyer just five to eight minutes away...

Then I have to come home and do Japanese homework, provided I can figure out what it was I missed. As the Chapter 8 test is Wednesday, I'm guessing it's going to be Review Central at class tonight. Only three more weeks, and then it's summer! (Of course, that means I have to find a job, but hey. At least I won't have required reading that makes me crazy.) Right, leaving...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:07 AM |

Bread and sweets duly obtained. I also bought more deodorant in a scent I can stand. Whee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:57 AM |

Yeek! I'm glad Stanley's all right... Or as all right as one can be with damaged ribs and a concussion. Oi... *Small giggle* And I'm glad he kept his sense of humor. *Hugs for everybody*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:31 AM |

My finger hurts. The safety latch on my hood is only safe for the hood -- this is the second time I've managed to draw blood with it... I swear, I damage my hands more in a month than most people do all year. Ouch.

The cat and the dog are not getting along -- the dog still thinks the cat's the best thing since unattended chicken strips, and the cat still thinks the dog is obnoxious, irritating, and dangerous. She's -only- two out of the three, really. Have I mentioned that my finger hurts? I'll hush, now.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:56 PM |

Okay, here's how it falls out (at least for JPN102): Tonight is Reviewsville. Wednesday, chapter 8 test. Monday, review. Wednesday, Dinner Out! Monday, more review. Wednesday, Final! Then it's aaaaaaall over but the grading.

In Alaska, we have 180 days (more or less) of school. These days fall in the fall, winter, and part of breakup. If we were to implement year-round schooling, the citizenry would revolt -- there is no way in HELL you'd ever get a bunch of kids to pay attention when the sun is out. Particularly little kids, who are squirmy balls of energy anyhow.

I have to stop typing and start reading... The point of all of this is that I'm getting tired of studying when I really want to be lazing around in the sunshine.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:02 PM |

Aaaaaaigh... Well, class -could- have been worse. Got to geek out afterwards with The Girl, which was _very_ cool -- she and I were comparing manga/anime we'd read/seen.

I got home, and in addition to my finger no longer hurting and my geekery, I had two catalogues and a box! Not just any box, but an Amazon box -- my Zipdrive is here! Mm, backuppy goodness! H'ray, picture-storage joy!

...Yes, I am strange. You knew this, I'm sure.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:06 PM |

Also... To those of you wondering if I've forgotten all kinds of important things... No, I haven't, I'm just lame and sucky like that, occasionally. Sorry. My stepmother-to-be hasn't gotten any mail, either, if it makes you feel better. *Sigh*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:08 PM |

Sunday, April 14, 2002

Black Phoenix Studios -- check out their collection of T-shirts with alchemical symbols on them! Very cool. Yet one more place for me to add to my gigantic collection of unnecessary T-shirts... Heh. And yes, I realize that it helps to give the URL of the sites you're excited about. I am a ninny at times, thanks. (Well, that and I had a splitting headache, which for somereason tends to make me forgetful.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:01 PM |

I -don't- think I'm Hera, thank you. My ultimate goal in life is to get married and be a wife? Yeeeeeeah. Sure. And I've got some oceanfront property in New Mexico that I can get you a -real- good deal on. Plus there's this bridge... Mm.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:21 PM |

...on the other hand, given the frequency with which marriage-as-a-theme permeates my writing, maybe Hera's not such an incorrect choice after all. *Blinkblink*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:30 PM |

I've been misreading 'prom' as 'porn', all day. I think it's due to spending waaaaay too much time online, where one occasonally runs across the word 'pr0n'.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:00 PM |

You know, I don't -have- to rely on random chance to bring me into contact with retailers carrying Docs. I can just go to the official site. Duh. I should go do something else...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:44 PM |