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Saturday, March 30, 2002

K/A Snip: Solstice Interlude.

Halfway home. Four more days, or maybe a week, depending... Avrath smiled at the idea of staying at this inn for a couple more days. It was amazing what a transformation a decent bed, a decent bath, and some decent food could make in one's disposition. The fact that having a decent bed led to all sorts of perfectly -indecent- things was just an added bonus, in his mind. And where -was- Kelvath? He'd gone out to see the horses, but that had been... Avrath squinted at the cloud-masked sun and sighed. A while, anyhow.


He slipped into the blessed heat and humidity of the barn, thinking once more that he would gladly pay twice as much for the care of his horse than the innkeeper currently asked. The stableboys were all out doing other things, and aside from the odd whuff and snuffle of the horses, the only sounds were an odd assortment of squeaks and whimpers, and Kelvath's voice.

"Oh, yes you are. Yes, e'defti... Ah, wolf-mother, I think that your daughters will be just as beautiful as you, while your sons as handsome as their father... Ow! That was my thumb, please note the emphasis on 'was'..."

Avrath followed the strange prattle to a box stall with a cut-down door, containing some hay and... He blinked as he leaned against the edge of the low wall. Everything about the bitch was big; her eyes, her -teeth-, her feet, her nose, her ears, her tongue... Her teeth and tongue were bared, as she was panting, but that was it. She glanced up at him, then back down, to... Avrath looked down.

Kelvath sat in the hay below him, surrounded, crawled upon, chewed on, and licked by a dozen fluffy miniatures of their mother. Strange, that... He'd always heard nursing mothers were meaner than the worst war-dog, yet... He cleared his throat softly, earning himself another glance from mother.

"Oh! Hello..." Kelvath grinned sunnily up at Avrath, then laughed and gently pushed an overenthusiastic baby away from his neck, where it had been busily licking at his ear. "Stop that, you."

"Hello. Um... What- no, -how-... Aren't you supposed to be getting growled at by her?" Having finally managed to spit out his question, he leaned over a little more and considered reaching in to touch one of the pups. They looked so -soft-...

"Oh, she did. Just a little- hey, I told you- _ouch_." Frowning mightily, Kelvath retrieved his hand from a pointy-toothed mouth and shook it out. "That hurt, you evil little weasel." Looking back up over his shoulder, he gestured with his now-free hand to the quarter-door. "If you want to come in, just sit on the door and hold out a fist for her to smell. Sit really still, talk to her in a nice soft voice... And -don't- make any sharp movements toward the puppies."

"Did she." He watched her for a minute, as she licked and nudged at a straying pup, then settled her big head on one leg, watching Kelvath play with her children. Avrath took a breath, nodded to himself, and straightened up in preparation to follow the instructions. He froze, however, as his slight movement brought the bitch's head up, her ears and full attention trained solely on him. He moved slowly, carefully perching on the edge of the door before swinging his legs over, into the stall.

She hadn't moved, but she was leaning toward him, and he could see her nose working. He blinked. He'd been a commander for how many years? He'd seen how much death and destruction and horror? He could certainly hold his hand out to a -dog-... One that hadn't been starved, as far as he could tell; hadn't been beaten or trained to chew off the limbs of anyone that wasn't Old Kizhvik... Another deep breath, his fingers curled tight, and he stretched out, out, out...

Her nose bumped his fist, cold and wet, then her big pink tongue flicked out and caressed his knuckles, warmer and much damper. She turned her big head in Kelvath's direction, took a few breaths of her own, snorted, and put her head back down.

Avrath wasn't sure what he should do, aside from breathe. Breathing was good. He glanced at Kelvath, who was smiling at him.

"She likes you," he said, crooking a finger at him.

"She does?" He shook his head and relaxed, shifting so that he could duck-walk across the floor to sit beside the other man. "It looks kind of like indifference." Such indifference, he noted, that she seemed to be asleep.

"Sure. You always know when dogs don't like you, you know." He tilted his head as he watched Avrath's sudden awkwardness, most of which was not directly attributable to his odd mode of locomotion. "...Or do you?"

"Do-" He laughed as their questions collided, settling in beside his compatriot. "No, I can't say that I -do-..." He looked down as three puppies all attempted to climb into his lap at once, two of which bumped into one another and started wrestling instead. The third was now clambering up his chest, little claws digging into his shirt and cold wet snub little nose questing up his throat and around under his ear... He wriggled and made several undignified noises.

Kelvath politely refrained from laughing at the man, though he did take pity and slipped a hand up under the baby's chest, repositioning it so that Avrath could hold it (as well as one -could- hold the squirmy little bundle, anyhow) in his lap. "Here. You didn't have a dog when you were a boy?"

Avrath shook his head, cradling the pup's chest with one hand and tickling it behind the ears with the other. The dark fur -was- soft, soft as down or silk or the inside of Kelvath's thigh... He raised his eyebrows at his last association and tried to remember that they were having a conversation, here. Or they -would- be, as soon as he responded... "No, we didn't -- not for lack of begging, either. My father... My father refused on the grounds that there were no good dogs. And no one else in the neghborhood had any, so the only dogs we knew were the market dogs, which... Come to think of it, were a lot like the kids that lived in the area. Skinny, mean, and likely to throw something at you as soon as talk to you."

Something else shimmered in that story, some weighty history that Kelvath was just as happy to leave buried. He nodded, pulling the toe of his boot away from a pair of overzealous teeth. "That's too bad... We had three, to begin with. For a while we had eleven, but then we gave almost all of Zimkah's puppies away."

"Zimkah?" He smiled again, the unhappiness that tightened his chest like a crusty scab disappating. "Tell me?"

"Zimkah was Vizh'thi and Havzhek's pup, and we have no idea who fathered Zimkah's puppies. We thought it was probably a big yellow dog from the Thesthik's, though -- They lived just down the road from us. The night Zimkah was born, Vizh stole one of my blankets and made a nest in the kitchen, right back by the hearth. My mother was -furious-, but she didn't have the heart to send her back out to the barn..." Kelvath teased another little one by holding on to the end of its tail, then letting go when it turned around to bite him.

Avrath ducked his head, accepting his role as narrative prod. "And why was that?"

He grinned. "Oh, part of it was maternal sympathy; after all, my mother had had all of us kids. Part of it was that there was an amazing storm blowing outside, with lightning and thunder and black rain... Well, I suppose it was rain-colored rain, but the clouds had come up in the afternoon, and blocked out the sunset early, so...

"Anyhow, Zimkah was the last one to be born. She was the biggest, and took the longest... I finally had to just pull her out and get her out of the wrappings. Poor Vizh was absolutely exhausted, but she cleaned her up and chewed through the cord, got her pushed around so she could start suckling..." He trailed off, blinking up at the rather amusing series of faces Avrath was making. "What?"

"You... You pulled..." He couldn't quite comprehend it, but it -sounded- disgusting.

"I keep forgetting." He patted Avrath's knee. "You're going to have to help me kid Dizha next time, you know. Zim was basically half-way out into the world, I just gave her and Vizh a hand, that's all. Now, breech-birth calves, on the other hand..." He relented, though, stroking the pup that had fallen asleep draped over his leg. Most of the puppies were heaped up, some beside them and some beside their mother, asleep and dreaming little fuzzy dreams.

"I don't know if I -want- to." He made a face.

"It's no worse than anything we saw on the field. It's -better-, if you ask me." He snorted and sighed.

"Better...because it's life, and not death." He nodded once, proud of making the connection on his own. "In that case, maybe I -should-."

"Precisely, sir."

They fell quiet, leaning against one another in the promising warmth of the barn, thinking their own thoughts.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:05 AM |

Another thing I should do is write up a Havothi pronunciation guide... If for no one else than me. Hee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:33 AM |

I don't want to whine, but I -feel- whiny. At least I'm not as hungry, anymore.

To reiterate an opinion I've expressed before: komodo dragons are -nasty-. Yuck.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:37 AM |

So, if anyone reads a post from a guy about getting snarked at by an irate little bitch whilst out enjoying a movie with two small children and a friend/lover/random acquaintence, I was the irate little bitch.

Look, Mac, you just DON'T take three-year-olds to see Lord Of The Rings, Fellowship Of. It's not cool, it's not cute, and it sure as hell isn't impressive. You're lucky I didn't throw my water bottle at you, or kick you in the back of the knees as I went by. God Almighty, man, what -were- you thinking, bringing those two into the theater with you? And I have a reason to be irate, believe me. I was sitting TEN rows straight up behind and to the left of you, in a Dolby-THX Enhanced Digital ScreamORama theater, and I could still hear Little Precious (ha!) over the battle scenes. Dude, you _suck_. Your small child/children suck. And whoever put you in charge of said children doesn't just _suck_, but -snowballs-. So there. You can afford to go to the non-matinee-priced show, you sure as fuck can afford a babysitter.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:04 PM |

Having vented my spleen, I can now offer my opinion of the movie!

WOW. Impressive. Some of the CG stuff was a little obvious, but oh well. The countryside... I had no -idea- New Zealand looked like that. Lush rainforesty-jungle and beaches, sure, but looking like the area fifty miles to the south of my house? No clue whatsoever. And the acting was pretty damn spiffy all the way around, though I must admit to thinking 'Agent Smith!' every time Elrond popped up. And, sadly, I had to stifle my MST3K reflex, sometimes wiith both hands. I'm -sorry-, but some of the lines! Particularly when the elves and the hobbits and everyone are in the council, trying to decide who gets to take the ring back. And... Well... 'Mount Doom' is just...kinda lame. *Snerk* And every time they said 'DOOM', I half-expected a crack of lightning and a peal of thunder, or at least a roll of timpani. Also... I can see why this movie incited slashers to fervent outbreaks of writing. It was all I could do to keep from shrieking at the intensity of the -looks- between some of the characters, not to mention all of the odd hugging between Gandalf and Bilbo, and the way Frodo and Gandalf act at times... It was just...-odd-. I don't know _why_, other than perhaps I was expecting far more subtle subtexty stuff, and here it is practically hammering the viewer on the head with a 2x4. *Shrug* All in all, I quite enjoyed it, though I think that were I to see it in the theater again, I'd go at noon on a Tuesday, when its less likely there will be people with small children. Or wait and save up enough to rent a theater for my own private screening...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:13 PM |

I must say that 'spleem' is a pretty entertaining typo.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:33 PM |

Friday, March 29, 2002

Mm, hungry. And I get to eat! My throat hurts, though. K from the office just called to check up on me, make sure I was doing all right, which was nice. She was happy to hear that I was fine.

Speaking of people I identify by initials, I have an appointment with C to get my hair trimmed next Tuesday! Yaaaaaaaaay! (My hair is in that awkward not-_quite_-long-enough-to-style-properly yet too-long-to-look-all-right-on-its-lonesome stage, which is...disheartening. Or at least annoying.) Sadly, I also have an appointment with Dr. S's office to have my teeth cleaned next Friday. *Whine*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:34 AM |

I have gone overboard with the Finnish/Norweigan guides/language kits on my Amazon wishlist.

I don't care, though, because I love languages and Scandinavia.

Some day, I should put together my list of Things I Want To Do so I can start crossing them off.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:45 AM |

Also? Belugah whales do not live in a "very remote environment". Not even if you live in Florida. How do I know this? Because I get to see belugahs at least once a year, right in my own front yard.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:58 AM |

I'm off to ECA, to do a little cable repair... I hope I -can-, I haven't done it for a few months. Hee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:29 AM |

Shades of last year! I'm sitting at a laptop, not doing my job. Hee.

Actually, I have a Really Good Excuse/Reason: the crimper is not doing -its- job, which means I can't do mine. Need to discuss this with the PTB, so must wait for them to get done with the other thing they're here for.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:28 PM |

Um... I must have missed the times that RayK used 'greatness' in dS.

Or is this fanon, like Xander's extreme clumsiness?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:19 PM |

HEE! *Grin* My brother and I now have the perfect place to shop for the two most recent Miles addictees in our lives...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:18 PM |

The announcers for the COL/SJ game yesterday just called the mid-ice videoscreen 'the Jumbotron'.

Two thousand years from now, archaeologists and anthropologists are going to be digging through old data and exclaiming happily, 'So _THAT'S_ where that comes from!"
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:12 PM |

You know, maybe I'll just give in and write the K/A stuff rattling around in my head, and leave the Tikka Frets fic for later. 'Cause I'm interested in writing TikkaStuff, I just want to write it in what amounts to order for me.

That, and Kelvath keeps making great big eyes and saying 'pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? C'mon, -pleeeeeease-?' at me. You'd think he wanted a Tikka of his own... *Snerk*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:21 PM |

Thursday, March 28, 2002

Recieved via 'Q Pager this morning:

Sender IP:
Subject: ­q¾\/¨ú®ø www.hipager.com
Download ICQ for Windows http://web.icq.com

I am Cindy-a good looking teengirls.

I and my roomates looking for guys.

Call us and date: 888-491-8722

Maybe air-sex is fun.....

you cute girls


Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:20 AM |

A) It's woooolllllllllllllllllllf, not 'wuff'. B) if a horse is spooked by a wolf, it's probably been spooked by lesser things before -- why did you decide to ride this unreliable/unsafe creature in the first place?

This is why I don't watch animal movies. Grrr. (Well, except for Never Cry Wolf. However, I read the book first, and the movie is a good interpretation of the book.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:38 PM |

Bwahaha! Pas De Deux is wonderful... *Grin* Thanks for pointing me in its direction, Reesa.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:39 PM |

"I'll make sure nobody steals Canada."

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:59 PM |

I'm. So. Damn. Hungry.

And all anyone seems to do in PdD is eat and dance. It makes me hungry and have itchy feet...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:00 PM |

Greetings, all, from the Dyspeptic Dyslexic! *Snicker* That's either a really -lame- superhero or a really strange band.

Anyhow, I had my endoscopy done today, which was...well, I was out for most of it, but the pictures turned out really cool! The doctor said I've got gastritis and nonulcerative dyspepsia, which I find highly entertaining. 'Dyspepsia' is -such- an _old-fashioned_ sounding condition. *Grin* At least the anesthetic they gave me didn't make me cry, or take me too terribly long to recover from... Though they didn't give me enough at first, and I was -not- a cooperative baby. I -did- apologize, afterward, and apparently I wasn't as horrible as -I- thought I was, which is good. Also, I apparently had my Recovery Mojo working, as I woke up quietly, blinked, wished fervently that I could go back to sleep, and stayed awake; got a couple of cups of nice cold water from one of the nurses, who asked me how I was; and was in the recovery bay beside a man who kept huffing and moaning 'oh Jesus, oh God...' *Shrug* My mother's the same way -- when she was in labor, all the nurses wanted to be in -her- room because she was the only one that wasn't screaming.

The staff was really nice, and the nurses were funny, which is always a plus. My doctor was -cute-, though, which was mildly unnerving... So was his four or five reassurances that I didn't have cancer. Or at least it -was- odd, 'til mom realized that he probably sees hundreds of thousands covinced that they -do- have cancer. He's -very- good, though -- he's probably the, if not one of the, top GI docs in the state. (And his office shares the lobby with my Endo's office! No new directions! No new building!) So, everything went well, for which I am extremely grateful.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:25 PM |

Oh, and I've gotten to eat.

I still wanna dance, though. *Grin*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:27 PM |

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Polka-dotted hair. Cooool. Heh. I was going to post something a little more pithy, but I can't remember what it was.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:55 AM |

Oh! That's what I was going to say: I'm going to be looking into a comments system, 'cause it's annoying to me not to have that ability. Social blogging is okay, but sometimes you just wanna say something right there on the page...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:10 AM |

This is why I don't work out: nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, muscle pain related to the shortness of breath, dripping sweat all over... Yuck.

...on the other hand, it could be an argument for working out on a far more regular basis. Igh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:53 PM |

Be aware that it is not supported by Netscape 4X. I think that it is not a big issue anymore since this browser is used by a very small amount of people.

And gee, 'cause they (like Opera, Lynx, iCab, and speaking-browser users) just don't matter in any kind of way, they're all Lusers if they can't/don't have IE5.x. Let's just say a giant 'screw you!' to them! *Grumple* Idjit.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:31 PM |

On a cheerier note, my newest dream in life is to own a set of Imperial Undress Greens. And a pair of Horus eyes, since if I'm committing the blasphemy of wearing the uniform, I may as well go all the way... Hee.

Um... Gonna go write, now. I'll share, I promise.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:27 PM |

"The next thing I know, it's raining monsters."

I love Sarcastic!Xander.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:17 PM |

CCH Pounder is the woman whose name I was trying to remember when I first started seeing previews for The Shield (neŽ Rampart). I _knew_ I'd seen her on the XFiles.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:38 PM |

My head hurts, and this is all we're getting, tonight. Maybe I can do the whole FretFic thing tomorrow... I'll need something to distract me from being hungry.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:40 PM |



The sheets smelled like someone else.

Three days out and the scent of the bedding was almost irrevocably altered... But it wouldn't take too long to get it back to normal. The thought of adding that smell to the scents usually mingling there; the thought of the warm [naked] body it belonged to lying there, warming bedding and body [and soul?] sent a thrill through him, electric little pulses closing his eyes and making him shake his head.

Unthinkable. [Really?] Not that unthinkable, just...[Scary too interesting]...terrifying. Yes. He could admit that, in the silence of his own head. Terrifying. And...interesting. Downright fascinating...

The sheets smelled like someone else.

They weren't his sheets, and the difference made his blood sing through his veins... The difference in the smell, the colors, even the texture under his fingers. They weren't his sheets, but they were -someone's-. They were loved sheets, washed and folded and put away, taken out and shaken out and put on again, but not too often.

The sheets smelled like someone else.

He stretched, feeling his leg brush against his lover's, liking the feel of the heat from another body. He stretched again, and this tim his arm came down over the ribcage of his lover...on the other side. That thought opened his eyes, though he didn't do more than that. Then he smiled, turned over onto his stomach so he could drape an arm over both of them, and went back to sleep.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:43 PM |

I wish I had a digital camera -- or even a regular camera. Toulouse is asleep on top of the cable box on top of my book case, draped over the backside of it, paws and head on the buttons...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:53 PM |

Police Dog Retirement Home And Boarding Kennel.

Anyone wanna finance my loafy life of doing nothing but loving dogs? *Snerk* Not that running a boarding kennel/retirement home would be conducive to -loafing-... But it's a neat idea, I think. But then, I've always liked animals better than people, so... *Grin*

It's funny, how often I find myself saying 'I do!' or 'I would!' in reponse to semi-rhetorical questions posited by people that can't hear me anyhow. Sure, I'd adopt a ten-year-old bite-trained German Shepherd. Sure, I'd want a giant squid as a pet. Sure, I'd take on a deformed carp because it's no longer considered the top koi in Japan.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:00 PM |

I think I'm going to go to bed, now. The weather's changing and it's making my head hurt.

Why is it that we have sinus cavities, again?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:02 PM |

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

My left foot is now itching in the same place that my right was, last week.

'M home. Have five -billion- things to do, and due. -Did- get three books for my paper on myth/folklore: Buying Mittens (ignore what the Editorial Review says about the text being stilted and the magic being out of place -- it's _Japanese_. It has the peculiarities inherent in the culture that produced it, and it is -gorgeous-.) The illustrations are really what make it so magic... It's too bad you can't see more than the enlarged cover. Japanese Children's Favorite Stories, featuring Peach Boy and a handful of others; and One Hundred And One Asian Read-Aloud Myths And Legends, which has stories from Korea, Vietnam, Tibet as well as China and Japan.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:36 PM |

...I still don't know exactly -what- I'm going to write, but I'll figure it out, I'm sure.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:37 PM |

My mother and were sitting here, debating the reason for the familiarity of the name 'Astrid Lindgren'. We thought it was because she wrote The Tomten, but then we discovered it was because... Well, she wrote _this_. Duh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:19 PM |

Speaking of kid's' books good for everyone, I think your little ones (or even your current kids) would love Amos: The Story Of An Old Dog And His Couch, Mari. Unfortunately, the Amazon page doesn't do it justice, but... Oh well.

Speaking of you and your kids, Mari, what kind of curricula stuff are you responsible for? When I was in Seward, they had all kinds of stuff -- Alaskan animals, whales, the Iditarod, sea life. I wanted to get something and send it to you, but then I couldn't decide -what-, so I thought I'd ask. I am suddenly chock-full of Fun Things For Small Weasels -- Really Rosie, Amos, Gregory The Terrible Eater... All things I loved as a little weasel and still love today. Maybe I should just make a list and post it all at once.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:06 PM |

Nanotech fascinates me. But you know what? The application I'm _most_ interested in it for is _not_ anything near so lofty as a cancer-devouring device or artieral-blockage eradicator. No, I want nanotech designed to either A) replace brushing and flossing or B) replace the current nasty-ass method of getting one's teeth cleaned. It's all about -me-, after all... *Snerk* Well, no, it's not. I'm sure there are millions that hate having their teeth cleaned, too, so.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:43 PM |

Nooooooooooooo! *Jumps up and down and beats Blogger with a stick* You- you- you ATE MY POST! YOU ATE THAT LONG INCREDIBLY RAMBLY STREAM-'O-CONSCIOUSNESS-TYPE POST! You -bitch-! It was a beautiful post, and now you'll never know what it was about. I think I'm going to try to write, now.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:50 PM |

Monday, March 25, 2002

Here's one of my dirty little secrets: I hate politics and politicians to the point that I just avoid reading/hearing about anything the clowns -I- _did_ NOT elect are up to.

This country was founded through armed revolution. I'm beginning to think that it's about time for another one, because Lord Almighty, do I -not- appreciate the aforementioned clowns.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:17 AM |

Dearest Ev,
It is twenty minutes after nine o'clock a-m. This is a very reasonable hour to be awake, so get the hell up so I can have some natural light, dammit.

Your Sister.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:20 AM |

My mother reports that there are (possibly sadly) no pirate ships in the bay. Oh well.

In other news, I opened the sliding glass door (because it is, amazingly enough, waaaaay too hot in here), and she cracked the curtains a little more. Perhaps the rest of the family will join the waking world sooner rather than later.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:25 AM |

There are also no submarines out in the bay, sadly. There -have- been, though! I went through the USS Alaska on a tour, once, when I was...gee, twelve? Something like that.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:47 AM |

Speaking of politics and crap and feeling the need for a shakeup in the political arenas... Mouthorgan's blurb on the Keyes article (which has been replaced by yet one -more- article on the latest Catholic Church Sex Scandal... What will it take for the Church to realize that letting the clergy have -normal- sex lives would quite probably alliviate their problems?).

Will someone just hand me the reins to this damned country already?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:28 PM |

well later we went walking around then i got a new cell case! yeah its pink & clear! then later we went to "OLD CHINATOWN" & saw some HOT GUYS across the street!!!!!! =P ohh..damn...haha....they went into a resturant so i was all like"hey guys lets go there!" blah blah blah...then i told mar"hey go talk to those guys!" then later we were chillen outside of the resturant and i checked up on my turtle and err...i saw it trying to climb out of the container! lolz...what the heck..... that was hella wack! lolz...angie's turtle liked her! but rianes was DEAD! lolz..its okay love! well anyway...angie later had to go pee so we went inside the resturant & saw those HOT GUYS AGAIN! =) and i also saw the homeboys eating.... so anyway...i got the girls to go inside and eat something! so we ordered food & later those HOT GUYS were leaving so mar said"BYE!" then i waved bye to them & they said bye & waved back! i busted out with a peace sign & then when they were outside we started laughing & we knew they were laughing at us too! well when we were done we paid and left but when we got outside we met them again! we crossed the street together but they got into their van....haha..me & mar were hoping they would bust a U turn! anyway...we were walking & they were on the other side of the street yellin at us! i took like 5 pics of them in the van! haha...the really cute one put up peace signs just cuz i did earlier! lolz.... and i guess they parked the car their cuz they thought we needed a ride or sumthing.

Someday, someday... I -promise-. I should go write...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:36 PM |

And Now For Something -Completely- Different!



Today's outfit consisted of a Yleinen Teekuppi T-shirt, soft black jeans, his usual battered sneakers, and his ever-present .pmf player. Three or four dics slipped into a pocket and he was ready for his day... Such as it was. Headphones in place, he bopped out to catch his ride.


Marc could resist no longer. Looking about, he crept up to Tikka's locker and lounged there, as if he had every right to be there... Then he slipped a hand inside, grabbed the little device, and -looked- at it. 'Liplatta Purukumi Sekoittaa'? He pressed the 'phones to one ear and poked the play button.

Happy music, a perky female voice, and a chorus of 'happy, happy, happy, we're having such fun' pouring into his ear... He laughed, turned the player off, and put it back.


"I know your secret."

"Which one?"

"Your music secret."

Tikka laughed. "Oh, -that- one."

Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:41 PM |

Translations for the Suomean Impaired (or at least those without a Suomea - English dictionary on hand, anyhow):

Yleinen: broken/smashed
Teekuppi: teacup
Liplatta: bubble
Purukumi: [chewing] gum
Sekoittaa: mix
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:45 PM |

Aww! *Grin* One of my favorite pictures of Mr. Reznor.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:59 PM |

I like this one, too. It's so -nice- to see him smiling.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:02 PM |

Mmmm, yummy.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:11 PM |

I told you, don't wake me up for anything unless it is an -emergency-. Being out of strawberry jam is NOT an -emergency-.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:41 PM |

I keep forgetting that I have more resources than what I can find in stock at local and online stores. Like, say, the two members of my immediate family that can sew, one of whom is quite handy with unusual/obstreporous fabrics, not to mention my acquaintance of some number of years who just happens to specialize in custom clothing for those in not-so-geographically-proximate locations... *Rolls eyes* Shan, darling, -do- remember that you have -plenty- of time to A) get something made and B) scrape up the cash to -pay- for the same by the 17th of May.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:02 PM |

...And on top of that, I've been known to find mass quantities of spiffy fabrics at outrageously low prices, which makes that part a little easier all the way around. (Granted, what I have in mind probably doesn't -take- five and a half to seven yards of fabric, but hey! I invariably fall for the fabrics that are discounted because they're discontinued, so a little extra is A Good Thing.)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:07 PM |

Hee. They forgot one thing, though -- Corsets also tie in to (oh, hush) shoe fetishes. Just look at the first set of pictures on the Gallery Serpentine corset page: the corsets might just as well be funky-colored shoes with that lacing style.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:27 PM |

Sunday, March 24, 2002

"Funny Luxury Dress Shoes".
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:36 PM |

I still drool over Pennangalan Dream's' boots. Not just the Storm Commandos, but now -these- lovely things.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:01 PM |

Parking the LadyBWear URL here for the moment -- must remember to pass it on to my uncle Scott. For the curious, it's a UK clubwear site, featuring dresses/skirts in male and female cuts, along with the (un)usual lingere, shoes, and accessories.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:22 PM |

*Grin* No M/V/T, yet, but I have all day tomorrow to let it/them/myself steep in the culture/atmosphere around here. However! I -do- have some more K/A Solstice to share.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:14 PM |