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Saturday, December 15, 2001

*Whine* Why oh why do some people assume that everyone out there in TV Land is dumber'n dirt? I read National Geographic, dammit, I -know- what the hell Christmas crabs are, where they live, and why they're famous. Don't friggin' condescend to me. *Grumple*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:50 AM |

I want a new MST3K vid. *Snerk* *Grin* Ev's so thoughtful, sometimes. Video City is having a -huge- video/DVD sale, and while he and Katy were there to rent a video or two, he found a copy of Idle Hands for himself, and a copy of National Geographic's Living Treasures Of Japan for me. I haven't watched it yet, but I'm planning on it.

I need to clean up. I'm going to bed, instead. Heh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:57 AM |

Friday, December 14, 2001

*Small whimper* I'm a weenie! And I need to go do my homework!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:16 AM |


I'm doing my homework, honest!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:12 AM |

My mother wants a phone with on-hook dialing capability, so I'm looking for one. AASTRA PowerTouch 390 (or AASTRA Meridian M9316CW), Panasonic, BestBuy, an odd one from Sony..., AT&T cordless..., The Telephone Boutique!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:40 PM |

The end of my nose is really, really cold. It's both annoying and amusing.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:53 PM |

I got my homework done!

Scrubby -- I just found the e-mail you sent to my yahoo addy, and I'll reply when I get back, as I need to go fetch Mme. Jean... *Grin* Thanks for the note, BTW.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:11 PM |

Well, I installed 'Q on Fiach. I have a new number, because I have totally spaced the password to my previous number. The new one is: 143607940, and I'm likely to have it up whenever I've got my browser open. I currently only have two people in my Invisible list, though, so I may not be visible to all comers. A quick e-mail will fix that, though.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:24 PM |

Hee! Bad Astronomy Online, debunking the horrid astroscience in the movies and on TV.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:38 PM |

Thursday, December 13, 2001

MooT Rewrite currently clocks in at 19,702 words. This number, of course, is subject to change once I start working on the rewrite of the rewrite. Heh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:30 AM |

I haven't requested a CD, Reesa, because I can't decide what I want on it. *Grin* Which is usually my problem. I've been thinking of just requesting the Nick/Richard soundtrack as posted by you.

And thanks, by the way. Aww.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:36 AM |

I know that everyone's probably sick of hearing it, by now, but the Progresso/Campbell's Super-Snotty Commercial war is just freaking STUPID. If I didn't like Campbell's bean with bacon soup, I'd simply never buy soup from either company again.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:40 AM |

Um... While I'm (as per the usual) a little nervous about e-mailing Tom, I'd be even -more- nervous if I could find his address. tom(at)quantumslip.com?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:53 AM |

Found Tom's addy. Now... What to say?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:50 PM |

Yerk... The Little Gods trailer site got ToSsed from Angelfire. I'm pretty sure Te's got it on The Hutch, so that's no big deal, but still.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:52 PM |

If The Look had a website, it'd be a little something like Hellbomb.

I like the t-shirts (of course!) and, weirdly enough, most of the thongs.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:54 PM |

I want Yum Pop clothing just so I can tell people 'It's Yum Pop!'.

I'm three.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:56 PM |

Bwahaha! Yum Pop is responsible for Oopsy Daisy! *Snerk* My favorite? Ninjas. I prefer Emily and Bon Bon to Oopsy, but Oopsy has her merits.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:03 PM |

Hee. Anthropomorphic fruit rules!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:24 PM |

Note: it's cheaper to buy a corset from Austraila than Great Britain. Ah, the vagaries of exchange rates...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:19 PM |

I may not be subversive, but I like puns. And T-shirts.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:24 PM |

Hee! T-shirts for Gail.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:42 PM |

Gah! I missed the early showing of Audiofile. This is only important because mister Trent Reznor is going to be on... It'll be replayed a bunch of times, but I wanted to see it tonight. Oh well.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:59 PM |

Leo's hat is disturbing me. Patrick is looking lovely as usual; Martin is an overgrown five-year-old, and Megan is cute. I love The ScreenSavers.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:02 PM |

"You know, I have a weasel in my hat."
"Yeah, it's cool."

-- Leo Laporte and Paul of Ft. Worth, Tx.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:05 PM |

Notice: this post may contain TMI. You have been advised.

I just realized that my PMS has been pretty much nonexistant in the last week. I've been itchy*, and a little inclined to be weepy at the sad parts of animal planet shows (or angry, if anger is called for), but not overwrought or furious out of proportion to what's happened.


* I itch. All over. Yes, it's weird, but then, this _is_ me we're talking about. *Shrug*

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:17 PM |

Oh! I know what I was going to say... I like the Office Depot commercial with the merchandise playing 'Sleigh Ride'.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:31 PM |

I'm eyeing my layout. I know, I've only had it up for a little while... And I'm only -thinking- about changing it entirely. I'm seriously considering tweaking the links a little (just centering them in the box), and succumbing to temptation and adding an imood indicator, for no other reason than I can set my personal mood to things like 'squishy' and 'dried out'.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:54 PM |

*Snerk* My wishlist takes a minute or two to load. You're startled, right?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:00 PM |

Y'know my T-shirt thing? Well, I found more shirts to feed to my obsession. Jinx Hackwear, The Anti-Establishment Page.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:22 PM |

Either VXreality and axismutatis have gone the way of all flesh, or the servers are down. *Grump*

*Blink* Of course, I should be doing my networking/cabling homework anyhow... Oops.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:12 PM |

rAnd0M WoRd hEll reaches out a scaly hand and grabs my tendency to procrastinate like hell!
A sudden roar sounds from the depths of rAnd0M WoRd hEll as it expells repetitiveness .
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:20 PM |

More frightning sentience:

rAnd0M WoRd hEll reaches out a scaly hand and grabs people who can't pronounce simple Japanese words!
A sudden roar sounds from the depths of rAnd0M WoRd hEll as it expells my tendency to procrastinate like hell .
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:22 PM |

Dear Chris Pirillo:

While there may very well -be- a 'Kaiota' in Japan, 'Kyoto' is not that place. 'Kyoto' is said 'key-yo-toe', only with less of a Southern inflection and the syllables run together.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:57 PM |

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

I am soooooo totally in love with my lovely little Fiach. *Hughug* I just downloaded a 1.3 meg file in 5 minutes...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:09 AM |

Faaaaascinating. Test snagged from Reesa.

How did the Belief-O-Matic do?

1.  Reform Judaism (100%)
2.  Liberal Quaker (97%)
3.  Unitarian Universalism (90%)
4.  Neo-Paganism (89%)
5.  Liberal Protestant (88%)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:15 AM |

And to prove that #1 _is_ the correct answer, I took the Hanukkah quiz, which was full of questions I didn't actually know the answers to. I ended up missing 4 out of 15, but not by much.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:27 AM |

Hee. I realized, at 11:36 AM, that I had 24 minutes for a 30 minute trip to UAA's Business and Education Building for my Myers-Briggs interpretation. I made it just as the session was starting, which was good... And I wasn't the only one that was late. So! The results? I'm an ISTJ for work, ISFP for everything else. Or a combination of the two, depending.

It didn't really surprise me, because I know how I am... It's nice to be able to see it, though. I'm going to have to reschedule my Strong Interest interpretation, because it starts at 4, which is when my PacAsia class starts. Hm.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:14 PM |

I recently discovered the reason why I want a corset:

I'm girl-shaped.

Yes, this is a surprise to me -- I wasn't, for a long time. Now I am. Wow.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:17 PM |

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Um. Having stayed up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too late reading Viridian's gorgeous Nevermore, I'm going to bed.

I wanna be her and torch when I grow up.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:29 AM |

My left foot!

I stubbed my left big toe sometime last week, broke the nail, and severely bruised the end. Five minutes ago, I tripped on the hem of my now far too large PJ pants and tweaked my second-largest toe. Last night, I somehow managed to get a splinter in the bottom of my foot. The floors here are all slick-finished hardwood or carpet, where'd the splinter come from? *Blink* Not to mention that winter is sucking all of the water out of my skin. Guh... I'll live, but I'm going to be coddling my foot for a couple of days.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:52 PM |

Also in the annals of self-injury through genetic clumsiness... I fell in the Fred Meyers parking lot last night. I was cleaning off the windows of my car (it was snowing) and slipped on a lump of ice. My right leg just sort of folded up and I basically landed on my butt. My knee is sore, but I don't have a bruise.

Unlike the inside of my left thigh, which has an ugly purpley-brown splotch vaguely shaped like the UK (minus Ireland) on it. I ran into the corner of the arm of the fold-out futon I've been sleeping on while trying to climb into bed. After my experiences with this evil piece of furniture, I'm seriously rethinking Istvan's sleeping arrangements -- like, maybe _his_ fold-out futon thing doesn't -have- arms. Which means I'd have to rewrite a piece that I've yet to transcribe, but that's okay.

In the last three weeks, I've also: cut myself while slicing bread; picked at a hangnail until it bled; used a pair of scissors with a broken metal handle (which tore up my hand); kicked myself in the shin while getting my boots off, been mildly chewed on by a small dog; gotten smacked in the mouth with the wet, dirty paw of a marginally larger dog; burned my tongue too many times to count; and sustained a couple of papercuts.

My life is just one madcap adventure after another.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:04 PM |

The dog that smacked me in the mouth is Cocoa. She's a beautiful German shepherd puppy, related to and replacing my uncle Thomas' dog Deuce, who had developed cancer of the spleen and had to be put to sleep.

Thomas replaced the front axle on the passenger's side for me last night, and Cocoa and I spent time together. Apparently, she thought I tasted good, because she kept licking me -- she even licked my face, which most dogs don't do. She also tried to jump up on me three times, succeeding twice. The third time, I was crouched down on her level, which was when she got me. It didn't hurt, but it was kind of gross -- we were in a garage, and God only knows where she'd been before that.

Cocoa has a beautiful face. It's mostly dark, chocolatey brown with caramel-colored lines back near her ears, and fine, upstanding dark brown ears. Her eyes are a shade of brown that I can't describe, really. A darker caramel, maybe. The rest of her is your basic Shepherd color-scheme -- black saddle with salt-and-pepper highlights, light tan legs, light belly and underside of the tail. Because she's a puppy, her ears and feet are still fairly large for her, and she's -really- skinny. Shepherds in Deuce's line seem to be built that way, and seem to be the build that Thomas gravitates to. Sassy was the same way, lean and rangy. Missy was built more the way I think of Shephereds -- big-boned, with a large, noble head.

Missy was the sweetest dog I think I have _ever_ known. As with most Shepherds, she was also very silly at times. She was afraid of a lot of things, including air compressors; she would stand outside and bark at contrails; yet she would stand still and let Thomas vacuum her with a shop-vac. I can't remember if she ever barked at anyone. I kind of don't think she did. She loved nothing better than to chase a tennis ball, or to snooze in a corner of the shop... And I thiiiiiiink she was the one that figured out how to roll down the windows of cars, and once let herself out while my immediate family, uncle Thomas, possibly my uncle Kenny and his family, and my grandparents on my dad's side were at a favorite Chinese restaurant. Once out of the car, she waited patiently by the door for someone to let her in, then made a beeline for Thomas and sat down beside him. He, of course, took her back out to the car.

Missy was a rescue dog. She belonged to the asshole that co-owned the ice-cream business my father was involved with for a while... He (the asshole, not my dad) thought nothing of keeping her in a dark garage for long stretches of time, and probably yelled at her constantly. I think she'd been a present to his kids as a puppy, but as usual, once she was no longer the cute baby and a lot of work, they lost interest. Thomas was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Sassy was... Bitchier. She was nice to those she liked, but if she didn't like you, you knew it. She never actually bit anyone (beyond Thomas) that I knew of, but there was a big flap in our neighborhood over two alleged attacks. She also got into fights, but mostly with Tisha, our Shepherd. (I think this was because they were both Alpha females, though Tisha consistently proved herself more Alpha than Sassy.) Sassy liked to roughouse, chase and retrieve rocks, run around, and enjoyed Schutzhund training. She wasn't really -mean-, but she certainly wasn't a big glob of marshmallow like Missy.

I didn't really know Deuce, but I know she was smart. Brilliant, even. While I find it kind of gross and/or demeaning that she drank out of the toilet, it still impresses me that she learned to flush it to refill the bowl. She'd also do things like pull the TV out of the bedroom when she had to stay home alone; collect any paper money she could find (even going so far as to get into Thomas' pockets) and hide it in her bed; dry her head off with a towel after sticking her head into the running shower (I think Thomas wanted her to eat a spider, I don't know if she did or not)... I think she's another one that learned to get out of vehicles.

And now, I have to go get dressed to go get Mme. Jean. More dog blither when I get back.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:56 PM |

If I mention Technomancy again, do I have to move closer to them? *Snerk* Whitney is flipping brilliant. Hee.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:41 PM |

More dog blithering. Right.

Tisha was our dog. She was everything the Shepherd conformation looks for: noble, regal, feminine*, sturdy. She had nice, upright ears; a deep chest; good form when she was stacked**; perfect gait... She was also quite smart. She wasn't the friendliest of dogs, though. Oh, she loved -us-, but she wasn't fond of strangers or other dogs. Like I said earlier, she was the Alpha, and she wanted you to know she was THE Alpha. She didn't bite anyone, but she -sounded- mean. Heh.

Tisha was a pretty quiet dog. She'd rather lie around, or sit quietly in the back of a car, than run around like a maniac. Not that she was -above- running around, mind you. I can't remember her doing anything funny, but she -did- bite Sassy ferociously enough that she had to get 11 stitches across the top of her muzzle.

* The breed standard says that the faces of males should look masculine, and females feminine. I can usually tell which a Shepherd is just by looking at their heads and faces.

** 'Stacking' means positioning the dog in a 'show stance'. The front feet are together, the head is up, one back foot is directly under the hip and the other (usually the left hind) is stretched back, as if they're ready to take another step forward. It's also known colloquially (at least in my family) as 'standing pretty'. The funny thing about stacking is, given that Yazminda does it on her own -- not being dog-show people, we never chose to teach her how to do that -- that it seems to be a natural stance for them.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:03 PM |

Y'know what? I figured out my favorite part of Shepherd's faces: their noses. Yes, my nose fetish extends to animals, I am a freak. Lemme alone. *Snicker* *Ahem*

Anyhow. Another thing: I'm not afraid of any breed of dog. I'm wary of training given (or not given) to certain breeds, but I'm not afraid of any of them.

I'm tired. Maybe I'll take a nap.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:09 PM |

Before I go, though -- The King's Daggers series, by Dave Duncan. Fun, fast, and fascinating.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:20 PM |

It's pretty, but the seasonal timing isn't...what I'd hoped for.

~ * Your Magic Fairy's Name * ~
Feather Limefrost

A creator of bounty and harvest.

Seen When
Only during the first snow of winter.

In high places where the clouds meet the earth.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:23 PM |

Mmpmh. Well, I'm all registered for my Spring semester classes -- JPN 102 and North East Asian-Pacific Studies. Seven credits in two classes, and I have no clue as to how any of it will apply to my future. I'm trying really hard not to think about that part of it, though.

I just have to remember to register for ASL _early_ in Summer Semester. Or Fall Semester, depending.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:17 PM |

A dog doing his job is not heroic. Or does that make me an unpatriotic poop?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:53 PM |

If there's one place in the world that one should exercise responsibility, it's Las Vegas. *Shakes head* Yeek.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:40 PM |

Monday, December 10, 2001

Not X-Files, but something else I've seen. Umm.... *Squintsquint* I can't remember. And Robert Urich's writers are dimwits. But then, anyone that's seen any portion of a When Animals Attack! segment knows this.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:04 AM |

rAnd0M WoRd hEll reaches out a scaly hand and grabs having to tell Americans that British money is 'real' money!
A sudden roar sounds from the depths of rAnd0M WoRd hEll as it expells poor representations of fictional characters .

Have I mentioned that I love the Technomancy Crew? I thought so.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:48 AM |

I love watching service dogs at work, whether they're looking for contraband, people, unusual things (dogs that detect gas leaks and a bee-killing parasite called foul-brood, ferinstance) or helping the blind, deaf, physically impaired, or aged... And every time I see them at work, I always think that that's what I want to do. I don't even know that I care -what- we'd be doing, just that we'd be doing it.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:00 AM |

This is a _very_ cool site (Via Tom). Iridium 14 and 26 provide totally opposite polar views, which is nifty. Zoom out to see the terminator and nightside lights.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:06 AM |

Aigh! I can't decide if I want to take The North East Asia-Pacific Region or something else... I -wanted- to take Elementary American Sign Language One, but they fill up quickly and I'm not keen on getting on a waiting list. I may sign up for it anyhow, if I can't make a decision by 2:30 or so. I got into JPN 102 with no problems, which was nice.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:56 PM |

It still feels strange not to be sitting in class. I know I've got permission to be here -- in fact, I'm _required_ to be here. Our final was the last time we were required to be in class, so this week is one for relaxing. Sort-of... I need to finish my computer class work. Oops.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:01 PM |

I'm an incurably lazy slacker-type. *Eyes the Cabling book she should be reading*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:01 PM |

Sunday, December 09, 2001

The guy in the Ameritrade commercial -- the one where he sets up the account just as his wife arrives home -- is so me.

I have noticed that Sarsisms have crept into my vocabulary. 'so not [adjective]', 'blah blah blah fishcakes (or [noun]cakes', 'wonderfulness' (to refer to the female genitalia), (and, I thiiiiiink) 'bodacious ta-tas'. The last one might actually be Miss Anthropy, or...um... Dymphna? Someone on HissyFit, anyhow.

I point this out not because I dislike my newish habits, but merely because I find it interesting to see what influences my speech patterns.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:46 PM |

A Note To Potential Alaskan Visitors:

Contrary to what Jill Cordes of The Best Of... of The Food Network may try to tell you, traveling to Alaska is not analagous to traveling to the moon. In fact, unless you choose to travel in the Bush while you are in the state, you may very well experience nothing more than the usual minor inconviences (sp?) found on any trip to any city (i.e. traffic, panhandlers, jet lag).

One does not have to be 'rugged', 'outdoorsy', or even 'in good mental1 and physical condition'. Pregnant women do not need to worry that our medical facilities are sub-par, nor do seniors or parents with young children. There are no rogue polar bears in Anchorage. Not any more, anyhow, Binky died of a liver condition caused by something carried by cats2.

Alaska is not a haven for criminals. In fact, it's a really -bad- idea to commit a crime and run away to Alaska. Alaska is not a hotbed of ecoterrorism. We have some, yes, but not in Anchorage. Alaska is not a refuge for all of the lunatics that could not get to Montana3. Yeah, we've got a few, what state doesn't? Alaska is not a posterchild for third-world poverty4. We have electricity, cable television, and religion (often more than we want). We've even got movie theaters, body piercing emporiums, and 'Adult Book Stores'. There is a McDonald's in every part of town.

We use US money. We speak English, except for those of us that don't. We don't live in igloos, not all of us eat whale, and we don't all get around via dogsled. In most of the state, snow only visits us temporarily between October and April. (The exception is any settlement north of the Arctic circle, which gets snow year-round.)

It doesn't take a miracle, a sherpa, or a trip to the back of beyond to experience 'the real Alaska'5. All it takes is a little research on the climate, a willingness to travel up to twelve hours (or longer, depending on where you're coming from), and the good sense not to act like a dolt when you arrive6.

some love,


1) Personally, I prefer that you be mentally healthy when you arrive, both for my safety and yours. And besides, mental blechiness is no fun at all, I know. Who wants to travel when they feel bad?

2) Binky was one of two polar bears that lived at the Zoo for-ever-... A stupid tourist climbed over the fence separating the viewing area from the bear's' enclosure. Binky, being a wild-and-dangerous predator, reached through the bars, snagged her leg, and chewed on her. A few months later, after the hoopla had died down, some stupid local teen -climbed over- the fences and somehow managed to get into the enclosure. He too was chewed on, an left his pants behind when he escaped. A little while after that, both Binky and Nuka contracted a disease that's commonly carried by cats (a virus, I think), and died. My aunt was interviewed by a local TV crew because she remembered when the bears arrived at the zoo as cubs, and was understandably upset by their passing.

3) This was a common joke popular around the time that the feds were closing in on Ted (Thomas?) Kayzincsky(sp?). Actually, I have to admit that Alaska is home to a fair number of oddballs, 99 percent of which are harmless.

4) Yes, some portions of Alaska are terribly poor. We have a lot of people to whom the cost of living is not very kind. However, very few people live in hovels.

5) I have no idea what the 'real' Alaska consists of. Possibly the whole outdoorsy-pioneer-I'm A Woodsman! mindset. I prefer the 'fake' Alaska, if that's so. Heh.

6) Tourists are good for the economy, but that doesn't mean that we have to -like- them. Sometimes it feels like the state's unofficial motto is "Thank you for spending your money; now go away."... See, -dumb- tourists are bad and annoying. Smart tourists, who do their homework and don't do things like ask when the Northern Lights are turned on, are good.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:38 PM |

Hates crybabies, the inability to use a spellchecker, Mary-Sue characters, and random, unexplained out-of-character behavior. Loves smut (PWP if it's handled right,) cheeze, original fics, satire fics, and comedies.

I'm terribly tempted to either point out Baby's faux pas to Baby or simply pass the quote and a screencap to Human Spellcheck. And I'm trying to decide if I want to link to Baby's site... While I don't object to review sites, I -do- object to review sites that basically say 'we're being mean because we -can-, nyahnyahnyah.'
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:42 PM |

OOOOOH..... We're going to get The International Channel soon! Oooh, that looks _spiffy_... Ooh. *Hushes*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:44 PM |

I love The Matrix. Just in case anyone was wondering.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:47 PM |

I remembered what I wanted to say! Whenever I read the abbreviation 'mpreg', I invariably have to read it a few times before I quit seeing it as 'mp reg' and then remember what exactly it stands for.

Most people I've come across -hate- male pregnancy stories. I don't hate them, but they're not my favorites, either. There's a great Sentinel mpreg story floating around out there that I think Reesa would actually -enjoy-. However, I (of course!) can't find it.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:41 PM |

Am I weird because my first reaction to any jewlery commercial with prices ranging into four digits is "Jeeze, you wanna spend that much on me, just buy me a new computer already."? My mother says she envisions me getting married with a metallic twist-tie as a ring because my fiancé bought me a computer instead of an engagement ring/wedding band combo.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:44 PM |

Oh, and Colgate's 2-in-1 toothpaste has really been amazing me these last couple of days -- I've been using Auquafresh, and noticing that my teeth still had scuzzy patches on them after brushing. I decided to pick the Colgate up on a whim while at Wal-Mart, and the first time I used it, the scuzzy spots were notably reduced. Today, I brushed again and my front teeth have never felt slicker except after having been to the dentist. Which reminds me that I need to go to the dentist, yucky.

I went to Wal-Mart because I desperately needed something to combat Winter Skin. I itch, and my lips and hands hurt, and I basically am not a Happy Baby. So I ended up with Dial's Summer Breezes Moisturizing Bodywash (smells nice and makes my skin softer), another bottle of Jergen's' Extra Heavy-Duty Healing/Moisturizing Lotion, and a bottle of Cornhusker's Lotion. I've also got my tub of Wal-Mart's Eucerin analog and good ol' Carmex. I'm itchy again just thinking about it all... Ugh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:54 PM |

I'm adding Mouse of The Matrix to my UCD list, I think. *Grumple*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:55 PM |

I'm a -slob-. The clothes I'm wearing have soup dribbled all _over_ them. Ickyickyicky me. The sad part? They were clean when I put them on earlier this afternoon.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:13 PM |

I don't know if I can bring myself to buy a book that has 'Adventures on the high seas in the best gay pirate tradition' in HUGE letters across the back cover. It's just... -Silly-.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:15 PM |

Okay, I finally succumbed to the lure of Amazon's Wish List feature. This is mostly to remind myself of what I want, but it makes a nice supplement to my Christmas List, too.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:48 PM |

I have never been able to get into Tolkien. I'd like to see a -real- preview of the movie to see if it might be something I could submerge myself in...

On another note, The Bone Doll's Twin shouldn't be under 'new releases' any more...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:58 PM |

I like to watch the Professional Bull Riding stuff on TNN and ESPN. I don't mind barrel racing, tractor pulls, monster truck racing, various forms of drag racing, or calf roping/steer wrestling, either.

I am, apparently, a closet redneck.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:07 PM |

*Shrug* Though I could argue that my family all hails from Oklahoma, Colorado, West Virginia and Ohio, and that that's where I get it. I've never heard any of the rest of my family (grandparents, etc.) cop to being involved with/enjoying/supporting any of that sort of thing, however.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:07 PM |

I'm watching Speed... Dennis Hopper makes _such_ a good bad guy. *Blink* *Squint* Hey, the guy in the blue leisure suit is Cameron from Ferris Bueller's day off, isn't he?

The Bus Sequence is a classic.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:49 PM |

Hee! I was right! His name is Alan Ruck, and he's gotten better-looking as he's gotten older.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:53 PM |

Dear FX:

By the time you actually get around to -showing- Sins Of The Father, I will not be interested in watching. I'm no longer interested in watching, even though I believe that Tom Sizemore and Ving Rhames will give stirring performances, because you have played that freaking trailer to _death_.

No love whatsoever,
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:55 PM |

Being the sick sad strange little puppy that I am, I must admit yet another shameful secret commercial love: the spot for Dead Or Alive 3. GameGeek #1 is gushing about all of the graphics stuff, and GameGeek #2 tells the truth: "She kicks high." *Snerk*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:03 PM |

I think I'd be a German Shepherd Dog if I were a dog. I'm loyal, I can be fierce and scary (though people probably wouldn't say so), though I prefer to be fed and have my tummy rubbed. I even like to play, though not as boisterously as some. I'm smart, like to learn (motivated by praise, of course), and am pretty good at picking certain things out of a profusion of many different things.

Unlike a Shepherd, though, I'm not that graceful. I'd like to think I'm fairly agile, however.

I get really really random when I haven't gotten enough sleep, don't I?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:24 PM |

The Day The Rabbi Disappeared, Moishe's Miracle, The Very Best Chanukah Present Ever, and Jason's Miracle: A Hanukkah Story.

I was once a Jewish Bisexual Canadian/Japanese Redneck in another life, I guess.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:43 PM |

LeapPad commercials irk me. Yay! Another item intended to replace responsible parenting! Let us rejoice.

For the love of all that is HOLY, take the time to teach your kid(s) to read YOURSELF. It's... It's... The ability to read is a precious, precious gift. The -right- to read, the -right- to _learn_ is a freedom that too many take for granted. If my parents hadn't taught me to read? I'd be a far more pathetic lump of humanity than I already am. Reading to me, anything and everything, gave me an advantage over other kids. It instilled in me a love of books and words, it gave me a love that has lasted twenty-three years and still counting.

Using LeapPad as a -supplement-? Okay, but it's no substitute for actually being there and paying attention to your kids. The same goes for Fisher-Price's latest blitz of baby-occupying gadgets that look to me like substitutes for both a parent's time and attention and the TV.

People are stupid. I'm going to read something funny and go to bed.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:58 PM |

I think Rampart looks interesting. The lady that says 'Don't ask, don't tell' was on X-Files, wasn't she? *Pokes at IMDB*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:59 PM |