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Saturday, November 24, 2001

Just parking this here, although it's worth a look if you like NIN parodies. *Snerk*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:49 AM |

And this, even though I'm not.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:01 AM |

Hee! A site for my mother, not that she has a page to put them on.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:19 AM |

Due to my recent classes, not only do I understand the OSI Model, but I could see how it would apply to dating before I clicked on the link. *Snerk*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:39 PM |

Meeting Dory went well. She liked us! *Grin* And we both wished we could spend more time talking -- she told my dad that she thought Ev and I were easy to talk to, which is cool. I got to see the ring they picked out for her; it's beautiful. A little solitaire diamond in a Tiffany setting in white gold with near-microscopic yellow gold nuggets flanking the setting, with a wedding band in the same metals, though with two tiny sapphires and two little diamonds that fits right around the base of the engagement ring's stone. They're far more lovely than my paltry try at describing them, of course.

Dory's not much taller than me, and she's dark-haired, kind of round, and wears glasses. She hugged Ev and I when we first met, but it was okay -- just friendly, light embrace-of-greeting, not a 'Oh-I-love-you-all-and-aren't-you-just-so-SWEET!' fakey-hug thing. *Blink* That makes sense, right? Anyhow. She and I talked about computers a little bit, and Ev made her laugh, and she said she loved Alaska. She and my dad had a good time while she was here, though a few unexpected things happened -- the furnace in dad's house blew a fuse, dad was sick for a day, she didn't feel good when she arrived... But they had a good time, and my dad thought it was good that they ended up doing life-skills things instead of having some picture-perfect visit that didn't tell them any more about one another than they already knew.

I didn't mention that I'm still having problems with the whole idea of four stepsiblings, though I wanted to. *Small grin* She's coming back at the end of May, and she's bringing the kids, so that should be interesting. I suppose that this would be -far- more upsetting if I were younger, or if I didn't truly understand that the diverging paths that my parents' lives are taking are really all for the best... I was hoping that Dory didn't worry that I/we resent her, because we don't. It didn't even _occur_ to me to resent her, until I was thinking about how other people might react in my shoes. *Shrug* Just one of my odd differing-perspective moments, that's all.

It was funny... Ev and I were standing in the jewelry store, watching dad put the rings on her finger and admiring them, and I couldn't help myself: I said 'Aww...'. Because it was -sweet-, and he's _so_ happy, and -she's- happy (though it was hard to tell, because I think she's a lot like me... Meeting new people, or being in a strange situation, tends to make her withdrawn and quiet. She has a nice smile, though.), and it was just...good. Aww. So that was meeting Dory, and I'm pleased to say that I'm looking forward to next time.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:58 PM |

The reason I mentioned the -size- of the gold nuggets? Because _most_ of the time, when people put gold nuggets on pieces of jewelry, it does nothing to further the attractiveness of the piece. In fact, most gold nugget jewelry is downright repulsive. The ring, however, merely gained a touch of subtle colour and texture from the teeny little nuggets, and was actually improved. Gorgeous.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:00 PM |

I'm gonna go do something else, now. 'Night!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:01 PM |

Friday, November 23, 2001

*Blinkblink* I have completely forgotten what it was I came down here to say. *Blink* I could talk about Scotty's finger, or my recent large dosages of TechTV, or the fact that I need a shower... The fact that I like Leo and Patrick much better than Chris Pirillo, and that Kate Botello isn't as annoying as I remember her being; Liam Mayclem's going on my clone list, because... It's -Liam Mayclem-. He's British and knows a whole hell of a lot about technology and music, how could you not like him? Tomorrow's World is an incredible show. Yesterday they were reporting on some sort of growth stimulant that only works on blood vessels in damaged hearts -- causing the damaged area to grow new vessels. Today, it was a voice-box transplant for a guy that hadn't spoken in nearly 20 years. They cover all sorts of other things, too, not just advances in medicine.

...or I could just babble randomly. I think I'll go bathe. Or perhaps nap. Or finish my book. (Sidhe Devil by Aaron Allston. Very cool, very good... Read Doc Sidhe first, though, for all the background. [Well, that, and it's good, too.])
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:17 AM |

Thursday, November 22, 2001

A happy Thanksgiving to all.

I get to meet Dory tomorrow at 6. *Bounce* I'm looking forward to it, actually... I'm trying to decide if I want to wear my grey skirt or my Messiah pants. *Blink*

That's really all for now, as I'm tired and feeling less than articulate. (And whiny, but I won't. Iwon'tIwon'tIwon't....) G'night.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:15 PM |

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Bwahaha... I love Strange Candy.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:35 PM |

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Sometimes I forget that even though I -think- my little portion of the infinite net is invisible, it really isn't. *Blinkblink*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:54 PM |

Why- well, okay, I -know- why I get spam. What I want to know is why I keep getting 'Enlarge Your Penis!!' spam. Not that I -want- gender-appropriate spam, mind you, I'm just curious... Although the 'attract men with bigger breasts' header -still- makes me snicker.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:06 PM |

Parking this here, 'cause if there's two things I don't have enough of at home, it's music and books.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:15 PM |

Oh! Dory's in town, and Ev, dad, Dory, and I are going to have dinner together at some point in the near future. *Sniggle* One of the things that she and my dad have already done was either buy, commission, or just looked at wedding rings. I should probably call dad tomorrow morning... I'm off to bed. Oyasumi!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:41 PM |

Monday, November 19, 2001

Y'know how I always say I'm good at entertaining myself?

I lied.

Well, actually, I -can-. I just... Don't want to with the material I have to hand. What I really want is...something I promised not to whine about any more, so never mind. Um.

So, how 'bout them Maple Leafs?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:01 PM |

Posting feels funny to me. I think it's because I post a lot of random thoughts, and sometimes I'm more acutely aware of just how random they are. Particularly when I fail to provide any references to the triggering force behind them. I talk like that, too, on occasion -- but that's genetic; my mother does the same thing. Sometimes she'll start a conversation with me, and I'll have to get her to slow down and start over, so that I can participate fully. On the other hand, we sometimes have entire conversations with a single glance and a partially-asked question. It's pretty cool.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:04 PM |

...and maybe it's just that I haven't been posting as much, lately, so I'm kind of out of the habit of doing so. *Shrug* Or maybe just typing in general.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:04 PM |

I started my cabling class today -- poor Mr. Diaz. Not because he has pretty much the ItN class plus another ten bodies, but because he works for Mr. Noble. Mr. Noble isn't. He's old and cranky and thinks book-learning is juuuuust fine for something as involved as networking and cabling, and as he's in charge of the department, Mr. Diaz has to run the classes the way Mr. Noble wants him to. We're going to cover six chapters in about a month, with some online learning modules and some hands-on work. At least we -get- to do hands-on stuff; I get the impression that we wouldn't if Mr. Noble was teaching.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:09 PM |

Other news of interest: I had more fun reactions to Effexor.

The first night I took a small dose, I woke up with a pounding heart, dizziness, and nausea. The first night after I took the increased dose (as per Dr. Kohn's instructions), I woke up with the same thing, only less-so. I also have had a few bouts of panic -- most marginal, but tonight, it was -bad-. Unreasoning fear, cold, prickly skin, clammy hands, the whole nine yards. However, it only lasted about...I don't know, maybe thirty seconds? A minute? And then I was fine. I'm also not as jittery as I was for the first couple of days, which is nice... Most dyslexic guys (and a few girls) jiggle a leg or a foot, either as a way to deal with stress, while they're concentrating, or because they've got energy to burn. I do it when I'm bored or stressed, and Friday I was doing it in doubletime because I was just...antsy. And feeling vaguely wired-stoned, but that was because I was a zombie from lack of sleep. *Waves a hand*

Anyhow. My eyesight has been a little weird, too... Post-first-dose, when I first got up, I felt like everything I was looking at was part of a layered animation cel (though everything looked perfectly -normal-, just kind of flat and the perspective was...odd). When I moved my head, things sort of... I don't know how to describe it, but they weren't exactly staying put. It made going to the post office -extremely- interesting, but the effects wore off soon enough. The same thing happened last night, when I woke up feeling icky -- I decided I'd get up and walk around a little, see if that helped (it had, last time). When I woke up this morning, though, it didn't happen again, which was nice. I've been getting more sleep these last couple of nights, which is good. I hate dragging around, feeling like I'll fall over in a heap at any second.

I'm not sure I want to take the big dose, but I'll see. I should call Dr. Kohn's office tomorrow and tell her I'll take the perscription... It's good to be -me- again.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:22 PM |

And as I'm cold and sleepy (watashi wa samui to nemui desu!), I guess I'll go upstairs and to bed. Goodnight!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:24 PM |

But one last thing -- I think I did pretty well on the final. I'm fairly confident that I only missed about 5 questions. Yay me. Now, to go write out my gajillion sentences and transcribe them in romanji for my mother, so I can practice for the JPN101 final... Eeek.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:28 PM |

Sunday, November 18, 2001

I don't like writing in the first person, I think, because it's a little like writing a self-insertion story. Or maybe I just need to work on my first-person narrative. IHNI06 is going slowly because of my difficulty with FPN (which is like an FPS, but not really. *Snerk* *Ahem*). Well, all right, that's why IHNI06 is at a _standstill_. Well, that and I haven't been sleeping well, lately.

Took my first increased dose of Effexor this morning. About two hours afterwards I was suffused with a semi-inexplicable feeling of euphoria. *Blinkblink* Ev warned me about that, actually. I got more sleep last night, I think. And I think this entry would make a lot more sense if I included more details. I also think this is more for my own use than anyone else's.

Anyhow! Went to a UAA/St. Cloud State hockey game last night, which was lots of fun. *Grin* On days that I don't have to take Mme. Jean home, I can go over to the P.E. Facilities and watch the UAA team practice, which is very spiffy. The Seawolves (UAA) nneed more passing practice; St. Cloud needs to work on their player-awareness skills -- teammates kept colliding, which was both sad and amusing. It was -such- a good game, though. St. Cloud's players can skate, and their puckhandling should have scouts drooling... Lots of end-to-end action, though I think St. Cloud spent more time in UAA's defensive zone than UAA spent in St. Cloud's. The score ended up 4-2 St. Cloud's favor, and as usual, I went to a home game and cheered for the away team.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:24 PM |

I don't understand why I'm supposed to find models beautiful. And no, it's -not- just the makeup.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:42 PM |

Hey, it's the eighteenth.

We all know what that means... *Looks around* *Pointedly ignores the first of undoubtedly many Death Glares* Happy birthday, Neetsipuddles.

*Hides* *Very, very far away* *Snickering* This comes as no shock to anyone, but I'm an odd, odd person.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:40 PM |

And hey! Uri's still around! 'Makes pitch with self-esteem' is still a big hit in my family. No, I can't tell you why.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:55 PM |

The New Home of Website Number Nine.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:17 PM |