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Saturday, November 17, 2001

This is fascinating. It's also not all -that- surprising, but it's nice to have a theory confirmed to work with. If I ever get Narcisse and Nine (and everyone else) to talk to me again, I might manage to work it into that storyline.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:12 AM |

Gah! I have to go take a shower and get ready to go take my Networking final... *Snicker* And last night, we learned that Mr. Diaz (our instructor for he ItN class) will be the instructor for Cabling. So Monday, basically the whole of the Networking class is going to show up again -- same time, same room, different subject. And I had to buy a new book for the class, which is okay. It's a neat book; I started reading it last night.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:22 AM |

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

It's The Red And The Black on FX. Mmm, Sneaky!Krycek. And Eew, Slimy!Spender. (Okay, okay, just -Spender-. Even if he -did- cause Viridian to use the phrase 'puppy-pile'.)

No word on Fiach, yet. *Sigh*

Effexor is... Interesting. I'm not manic, but I think I'm bordering on it. Of course, only having taken one dose, I could be wrong.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:31 PM |

Avelanches smell like fear and death and destruction. So there.

Also: CluelessUSA just called, and I have no idea what's wrong with Fiach. They don't seem to know, either. *Grump* As I have class tonight, though, fact-finding is waiting until tomorrow morning.

And last but not least, I was wrong. It was Patient X, -not- TRATB. That comes on tomorrow.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 5:03 PM |

Monday, November 12, 2001

IHNI06 continued; the bit about Ruby, Scarlet, and their T-shirts comes from Mme. Jean. And, not that I corrected it in the uploaded version, but the T-shirts feature Mme. Jean's Ninja Ballerinas. It's a -long- story.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:06 AM |

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Hee. I've always wanted to play Xenogears...


What's oekaki? It seems to be some kind of BBS or Telnet anime thing...

Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:51 PM |

Because I am Evil and have to go pick up my mother instead of writing more of this, I present I Have No Idea Number Six: In First-Person!



It was ten in the morning. I'd already been shot at fifteen times in the past two hours, Narcisse was presenting as female as usual, and there were lumps in my oatmeal.

I hate Thursdays.

"M'oatmeal's -lumpy-."

"Quit whining, y'pussy." Narcisse is always snippy when s/he doesn't get enough sleep.

Bullets zinged between us and I lazily returned fire, balancing my bowl on my knee with one hand and trying to keep my M16 steady with the other. It didn't work very well. "It -is-. And I -hate- that."

"Shut -up-. God." S/he yanked the gun out of my hand, stuck it out the window, and hosed down the courtyard of the building we were in. The magazine hit the floor with a clunk and s/he slapped in a new one. "Why is it we're doing this again?"

"I think the argument that was used had the word 'fun' in it, somewhere." I stirred the oats and wondered if there was any milk in the 'fridge. Someone screamed outside and the room shook. Grenade, probably.

"Was -that- it." Narcisse leaned out the window, then jumped back as small-arms fire peppered the front of the building.

"Something like that," I said, sighing and tapping the side of my headset. The scene froze and I went into the kitchen.

"Thanks for the heads-up on the pause, stuffing-head!"

"Shut up, Narcisse. I told you my breakfast has disgusting little globs of -uncooked- _grain_ in it. You shouldn't really be surprised." Milk, milk, milk... There it was, behind a six-pack and a jar of... I had no clue. Expiry date was a couple of days away, so it should be good... Well, it would have been, if there'd been anything in the carton.

Narcisse looked up when I stomped into the room, one hand splayed out on the desk and the other holding a bottle of glittery green nailie. "What?" Innocent Voice. Bitch.

"There's no milk."

"So?" S/he holds the bottle with molars and twists it open.

"The carton was still in the 'fridge."

"Not my fault. You know perfectly well that I don't drink milk."

"Since -when-?"

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:37 PM |