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Friday, August 31, 2001

Okay, oooold stuff (that is, stuff I should have posted before I left for Homer.):

Chibi Hiei! The first one is Hiei by himself, the second is Hiei with almost everyone else (where're Yukina and Keiko?).

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:36 AM |

Today is Picture Day, I guess -- here's a shot of the beautiful yet not particularly friendly Bastille Day flare.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:38 AM |

And new stuff:

I once again am demonstrating my need for noise by listening to my Tenchi Muyo & Friends At The Hot Springs CD while U.S. Marshals is on out in the living room.

Most of this is to combat what Maus knew long before I did (though given the kid's loquaciousness of late, I shoooould have picked up on it sooner):

Mice. Are. NOT. Quiet.

They squeak, scratch, scamper, bounce (!), skritch and scuttle. And leave excrement everywhere you don't want it to be.

Maus, though, says that he's far more dignified than mice will ever be. And he never scampers, though he'll do the others (save the very last) if the occasion calls for it. *Snerk*

So, we have mice. We also have a live-trap for them, because we're squishy sappy people that don'tlike to kill things. My mother won't even squish daddy-longlegs, even though her bathroom is routinely invaded by the creepy things. -I- go out of my way to avoid stepping on ants, earthworms, and slugs in the driveway.

I wouldn't really -mind- if Yazminda caught them and ate them, because they'd at least be fulfilling their ecological niche -- food for predators. However, the dumb dog is far too busy eating fabric and elastic to worry about consuming mice. *Rolls eyes*

I also wouldn't care if they all just decided to leave and never come back. That'd be nice. It probably won't happen, but at least the mice we've caught and released so far are -not- beating us back to the house.

It's odd. We're pretty messy people, yeah, but it's not like we have big bins of grain or something that mice would -want- to eat. There's the dogfood, but we're pretty sure they haven't gotten into the plastic bin that that's kept in. We keep bread on the counter, but we may get a breadbox, soon.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:40 AM |

You know, it is _SO_ completely -disturbing- to get email messages with subject lines like 'Hot Nude Celebrity Photos Inside!!' and 'Re: [RareSlash] Billy Elliot slash?' from accounts with my parent's' first names on them.

I mean, I know my dad's into porn, I don't think I know a guy that -isn't- (with the exception of an uncle of mine, but then, he's always been the weird one...), but he would _so_ not be subscribed to RareSlash. Hell, he can barely check his e-mail by himself, let alone sign up for a list discussing and posting explicit m/m (and occasionally f/f) sex stories...

And how, just -how- in God's name do -I- qualify as a 'loyal reader' of IntelligentX Entertainment, one of the more blatantly misnamed newsletters out there? And 'long-time', to boot? I never read the things, I didn't want to sign up for it, and have only been getting it since about January. I'm so glad they're only composed of pixels... I need to unsub from that stupid thing.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:45 AM |

P>In cheerier news, though, I've memorized the hiragana through ho, and am feeling quite ready for the quiz we have this afternoon.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:47 AM |

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

HappyPear is -finally- updated.

If I ever get any money, ever again, I am buying a new (read: faster) computer and scanner.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:16 AM |

*Grumble* I hate. Viciously. Anyone that wants to skip the platform-bashing that will follow is free to go.

I hate the fact that you have to have NumLock on.
I hate the fact that 'biosac.386' is obviously so vital to life as we know it that it generates an error message.

I hate the fact that the designers decided that 'cservice.exe' is enough information for anyone.

I hate the fact that if you save anything to the C drive, it takes ten minutes of looking for it to find again. If you find it.

I hate the Wintel GUI. It's pointy and jaggedy and -ugly-.

I hate Ariel.

I hate Verdana.

I hate Georgia.

I even hate Lucida Casual Light.

And I think of Times New Roman as the 'New York Wanna-Be Font'.

I hate that everyone and their uncle thinks that Wintel is the only 'upgradeable' platform.

I hate the fact that no one respects the Apple's capabilities.

I hate the fact that people -laugh- at my 5 year old computer.

I hate the fact that 'not sexy' equals 'antique not worth devising backwards-compatible software for'.

I hate the fact that 'affordable' still isn't, for me.

And I hate hatehateate all you lUSERS out there that think Mac-bashing is funny.

Thus endeth the vitriol. I feel better.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:35 PM |

And speaking of vitriol... I went to Tomato Nation because I hadn't been in a while, and got all caught up on Sars' teriffic essays. While most of them were good (With A Smile), and hysterical (Take My Cats, Please!), there was one that sat a little oddly with me.

That would be A Four-Letter Word. That word is 'slut'. Now, while I'm not sure I understand the tone of the article (I couldn't tell if it was meant to be sarcastic, defensive, both, or what), I did realize something: my definition of slut must be a little skewed, much like my definition of bitch.

Liking sex is one thing; sleeping with a lot of people because it's fun is one thing; but being a slut (in my view) is not based solely on number of persons slept with for pleasure's sake. To me, it seems that being a slut involves a certain lack of taste or morals... And the only sort of illustration I can think of is a girl that sleeps with all the losers and jerks and drug addicts in the entire high school. A slut is into sex for all the wrong reasons...? I don't know what I'm trying to say, other than I don't -quite- agree with everything Sars said as -the- definition of a slut. Of course, maybe It's Just Me. *Shrug* Not being someone that's had a lot of -experience- in that sort of a situation...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:47 PM |

Monday, August 27, 2001

Just a couple of things:

First of all, congratulations on the job, Reesa! *Bounce* I hope everything goes well for you.

Secondly, tickets.com is an annoying site, but this time around I _did_ get my info -- GBS is playing at the PAC, and tickets are -very- affordable. Now, all I have to do is hope that there are some -left- by the time I get down to the ticket outlet.

And last but not least, I'm in the middle of scanning the next installment of HappyPear, and I should have that up this evening. I -do- start classes today, so wish me luck!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:40 AM |


Note To Self: Next time, read the freaking schedule before you leave.

Shan, who was in the wrong class.

But on the other hand, I've memorized the hiragana through so, did my homework in about 40 minutes, and am looking forward to Wednesday. *Grin* Senshu-sensei is so cute! And she's funny, and said that the ka I wrote on the board was dynamic and good.

I love school.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:39 PM |