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Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Look, I'm knitting! Ooh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:18 PM |

Monday, April 09, 2001

Wuh. I'm tired, but I want to write... Maybe I'll have something tomorrow.

My shoulder _hurts_. I need to go to the doctor and demand an X-ray, because there is -something- wrong in there. When I shrug just right (and when I get up in the morning, and if I spend more than a few minutes carrying something in my left arm, and just about -anything- else, with my left arm), I can feel something going snap-snap (or snap-snap-snap) between my shoulderblade and my ribcage, in my back.

I've either strained, sprained, or hyperextended a ligament or _something_... I think part of it is that I sleep funny, and the driver's door of my car sticks, so you really have to shove it with your elbow to get it open. Or hold the latch with your left hand and open the door with your right...

I haven't been able to find a really good, clearly-labeled diagram of the anatomy of the posterior ribcage and scapula, which annoys me. I like to know what's going on, dammit.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:46 PM |

I bought a romance novel! *Blinkblink* I bought a -romance- novel! Ack. New, too, 'cause by the time I got done running around, TitleWave had closed for the evening. I couldn't bear to buy one of the _really_ bad ones, with sentence fragments, misused words, and all, but I -did- end up with one that's got all the ridiculously overdone description you could want.

Prize-winning line so far: "Sensation shimmered in the tips of her breasts, spiraling in all directions, like sparks escaping a flaming pinwheel." And all they've done so far is dance, fer cryin' out loud!

It's called 'Scoundrel' by Debra Dier, and features a plot consisting of rich unmarried woman makes up fictitious husband to get mom & dad off her back, some guy finds out about it and shows up pretending to be the husband in question, she hates him, they fall in love, happily-ever-after.

The cover illustration alone is one of those wind-blown lovers-and-him-without-a-shirt things, which means I can't take it to school. I shouldn't even take it -home-... *Sniggle* Mostly because I'm embarrassed to be caught reading something so _bad_.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:47 PM |