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Saturday, March 10, 2001

Darlin', if you EVER _EVER_ say that your writing is boring, trite or silly again, I'm gonna make fifty copies of Denim Afternoons and beat you about the head and shoulders with it. So there. *Grin* Makes me all hot and bothered just reading it...

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:54 PM |

Tuesday, March 06, 2001

I so love french fries... They're my favorite way to ingest potatoes.

The background was annoying me, so I decided to tweak it.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:14 PM |

P>Er... I don't know who was feeding this person definitions, but I take issue with quite a few of them. That and the whole site looks like it's designed to alert CAP Report supporters know exactly what all those 'filthy words' mean... At least 'til you get to about the Ps, and they apparently get tired of being polite. (Snagged from 3Bruces)

Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:35 PM |

Rockdata! For the Finnish music lover in all of us.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:36 PM |

Sunday, March 04, 2001

Spring cleaning! Right. Sure. Whatever...

I'm not a code-warrior, so no fancy BlogTricks from me. I'm just going to fiddle with the colors until they seem springy and...lighter. More festive? Less opressive, or something. The sun is up before noon, the days are getting longer (we're already up to 10+ hours of daylight, go us!), and it's time to tweak the ol' interface. Or Something. *Blink* So, like it? Hate it? Can't read this? Lemme know.

Background snagged from The Background Gallery.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:44 PM |

"That's one -twisted- star-sixty nine."

I'm lovin' me some Lone Gunmen. *Laugh* I can forgive the few little 'not quite sure we can carry a whole show by ourselves' lapses, 'cause it -is- the first episode or three. *Bounce* Good dialogue, good character development -- nice that they threw in the fact that Byers' dad's middle name belonged to a president, too. *Snicker* And good to see that bridge/on-ramp back in action, since the X-Files hasn't been shooting there lately.

Faaaascinating slash vibes, too. Melvin's1 quip about guys not kissing like that, Langly's despair over the imminent death of Byers... I don't know if it's just me, but if someone's going to slash Melvin, I can't quite -see- him with either of the other two. He and Byers had way too much of the surrogate-dad thing going for my taste, and Langly just... I don't know. Maybe if Torch wrote it. (And I believe she has written LG slash...)

Anyhow, I loved it. Looking forward to a Langly-centric episode next week...

Speaking of the X-Files! Anyone else catch the shot of Krycek in the teaser for the ten weeks of all-new eps? Ooooh...

1) I can't spell his last name. Is it Frohickie? Frohike? I think it's the latter, because it -looks- more correct.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:48 PM |

"Let me win. If I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."

The Special Olympics World Winter Games are being held here! So far, I've seen people from the delegations from Canada, the Czech Republic, Estonia, New Zealand, USA, and Korea (I think). We were downtown on Saturday for the start of the Iditarod (we were technically in line for The Empty Bowl Benefit, but it's always on the same day as the Iditarod, so...), and I have -never- seen so many tourists there in the winter. It's been great, so far... I'm hoping to get to see some of the events, too.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:49 PM |

"Unmoosh! Unmoosh!" -- (the real) Ray Vecchio to sled dogs, Due South, episode name long forgotten. Pilot, maybe?

Robert Bundtzen is the father of one of our students. Keep track of his progress (and that of other mushers, like the ones from Australia, South Carolina, and Argentina...) at the official site.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:50 PM |


I am feeling so much better it's not funny. I may get to watch Queer as Folk tomorrow! *Bounce* 'Cause I'll be home, mom's got work, and Ev's got sleep, his project, his girlfriend, and possibly jury duty to keep him occupied... Hee.

Here's a secret:
Erasure and Depeche Mode sound similar because... One of the band members from DM was/is also part of Erasure.

*Snerk* I like Erasure, though. I bought Cowboy because it was cheap, on cassette, and I've been wanting to learn more about them. I really like it, particularly Touch Me (wasn't that a radio hit, like, in 92 or something?) and Rain. Erasure seems more upbeat than DM, or at least has melodies in a major key rather than a minor.

Secret #2:
One of the guys (or maybe both, I don't know) is gay. This is why A) 'Boy' is something of a love song about a guy and B) the songs on Cowboy lend themselves well to being a slash soundtrack. *Rolls eyes* So I'm slow.

Based on the discovery of B, I've updated the M/V songlist to include:

  • Rain -- Cowboy -- Erasure
  • World's On Fire (I think) -- Cowboy -- Erasure
  • Supernova Goes Pop (kinda) -- Powerman 5000 -- Tonight The Stars Revolt
  • When Worlds Collide (kinda) Powerman 5000 -- Tonight The Stars Revolt
  • Washing and Wondering -- Stroke 9 -- Nasty Little Thoughts
  • The Native Tongue Of Love -- Reverend Horton Heat -- Space Heater
  • The World In My Eyes -- Depeche Mode -- Violator
  • Steal My Kisses (you -do- have to ignore the bit about the dress, though) -- Ben Harper -- Burn To Shine

Anyone else have any suggestions?

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:51 PM |

Tired... Still. I slept like ten hours last night, after eating a whole bunch of chocolate late in the afternoon/early in the evening... I said I wanted a nap yesterday afternoon (at about 12:45/1:00), after waking up about 9:30-ish, and Mom said it wasn't so unusual -- my cold didn't let me sleep very well, on top of the fact that I've been sleeping poorly due to work anyhow. I didn't _sleep_, but I did rest. And read. And ate chocolate. Heh.

So anyhow. I'm going to bed... And tomorrow I have to buy a copy-stand, so I can start transcribing stuff... Lucian and Istvan! More Maxim and Deuce! And some other stuff that I've probably forgotten about!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:57 PM |