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Monday, January 22, 2001

I can't decide a lot of things about it. Did I actually figure it out? Actually, yeah, I think I did. All I really did was wait, watch, and match the pieces. I can't figure out if it bothers me. I don't think it does, beyond a few little 'oooh, I don't know that I could be that brave...' twinges. If people are happy, who am I to piss on that? (Note: Marc, Vic, and a raft of others are glaring at me... Hee. *Ahem* Anyhow.)

I can't say that I'm...consumed by joy, but let's get this straight, right now: that is SOLELY _MY_ problem. No one else is responsible for how I feel, particularly not any of the involved. -I- and I alone decide who lives or dies- Er, sorry, AdamMoment over. *Grin* It's... It's just me being me, and it's okay. I'll just stand off and observe, like I usually do. And then I'll probably find something sweetly snarky and reassuring to say, and life will be as normal as it ever gets for any of us.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:45 PM |

I took down the banner ad. It was making me crazier than the pop-up ads do, and besides that (knock on whatever's handy) none of them have crashed my browser/computer of late.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:51 PM |

Yeah. Postin' from school... Had a dream, night before last, that I was watching a hockey game and Lynne was -so- disgusted at the Ref's non-calls that she went out on the ice and started reffing. It was a lot funnier in my head.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:08 PM |

Sunday, January 21, 2001

So... I'm experimenting. *Points overhead* Are adbanners more or less annoying than pop-ups? Or are they equally irritating in their own unique ways?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:33 AM |

KNBA has a Hawaiian/Polynesian show every Sunday morning (9-12 ADT, 1-4 EST) and they just played a song called 'Talkin' Da Kine' (I'm assuming that's how it's spelled...). I really like dialect, pidgin, and patois. Partly because it makes me feel better about not knowing much in any given language (aside from English), and partly because it's just... Cool. Kind of like a secret code, or something... I don't know what I'm trying to say.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:40 AM |

More Hockey Blithering:

Aww, what a cute picture of Mioroslav. I wonder how old he was, and who he was playing for... (Found here)

Went to the Aces-Falcons game last night, which was fun. Fresno was well-behaved (actually, both teams were amazingly good -- there were some heavy checks, but _no_ fights. Not even after the Aces crashed the net (figuratively) and an Ace did so literally, resulting in the goalie being helped off the ice by a trainer and a teammate.); and there was a darling baby sitting in the row ahead of us.

As usual, I went to a home game and cheered for the away team. Also, as usual, no one seemed to notice this. Fresno's offense was quite good -- they won, 3-2 -- and their defense was spiffy, but they need some work on their passing and neutral-zone skating (two guys ran into each other and fell down -twice-. Fortunately, it was during different periods.). Anchorage's offense was okay, the defense was passable, but their passing and awareness of their teammates was better.

One of the reasons that I'm so surprised about the no-fights bit is that Fresno and Anchorage have, historically, been less than friendly toward one another.

The WCHL site has changed, a little. I think I like the new colors.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:16 PM |

Elfwood won't let you post long rants like this one:

Yeah, maybe I do need some help with anatomy, but what I _really_ need to work on is perspective and proportions. I already knew she was off, in the proportion department, but I like her. She's curvy and looks more or less like a real human (as opposed to say, a stick-figure), and her hair isn't a mass of scribbles that look like I was trying to cover up a mistake. And yes, I _have_ seen the other art here. I am so far away from being Tara Labus that it's not funny. But you know what? I _try_. I _like_ -my- art. I _know_ it's not something that people will pay millions of dollars for, in the future, but hang the future. I'm not drawing to make money, which is good, because I'd be starving right now. I draw because I enjoy it, and because I can, and I share it because there are people that like to look at it. And because I can. There is a comment, regarding my sketch of Saint Joan of Arc, that basically means "After having seen this, I don't feel so bad about the stuff -I- draw! Thanks!" Do you know why I leave it up? Because that guy was more honest than I've been. I've seen art here that made me think the exact same thing, but I never told the artist that. I do my best to leave positive comments, because I believe that encouragement is the best way to help someone improve. I know that -I- have been inspired to go back and try again when people have told me that I'm doing a good job, or have given me useful suggestions, or after having seen something here that made me want to try again. I hope that the guy that left that comment went right back to his art supplies and tried again, after seeing my stuff. I hope he gets better. I hope that there are others that come by and say, "I could do -THAT!-" and then go give it a shot. Because that's the only way you're going to improve:practice. I've been practicing for the last 17 years. In that 17 years, I have drawn a handful of pictures that I am so proud of that I could just... I don't know. Bursting would be messy. Anyhow, I'm really quite proud of them. But it has taken me a long time, and it's been difficult. Particularly after seeing some of the things that are here. But I keep trying, and I keep drawing, and I'll keep sharing the few things I think are worth it.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:21 PM |