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Tuesday, October 10, 2000

There. Now that I've used some of that Museum-Tak stuff on them, maybe my models will quit fleeing down behind my monitor...


I am so tired, and all I want to do is stay inside and be alone tomorrow... I got -yelled- at this morning for wanting to do the responsible, adult thing and stay home. Would it have made a difference if I'd said that I woke up at 1:15 AM with horrible cramps that ran from the dead center of my back all the way down to my tailbone, down around my obliques, and then from my belly-button to my quadriceps? Would a description of what I did to make myself feel better have swayed my superior's mind? (And it's not -that- horrible, I just don't want to talk about it.)

Probably not. I think they expect me to come to school in any state, even if it's near-death. It's really tempting to think that they think I'm an automaton, there to do anything they need done, providing it's within my ability... I'm sure they don't, but some days it -feels- like it.

All I wanted to do this morning was to come a little later, say about 11. That's when fourth hour (a.k.a Hell Hour Part 2) starts, and I figured if I was there for it I'd be aces. Not so. I got a call at a quarter to eight that was, in effect, "Get your ass here or you're dead meat."

Having just been subjected to a tirade English-Teacher Style (I HATE it when she gets going on some topic that irritates her, because she handles it stupidly... Or at least it seems that she does to -me-.), and I had no wish to be subjected to another, more personal one. I've already gotten yelled at once by her -- and yes, dear, there -is- a harshness in my heart when it comes to certain people and their actions. It's called outright rudeness, and God knows that if -I- did _ANY_ of what they did you'd be all over me like reporters at a sex-scandal.

So anyhow. Gail's vexation is a lot worse than Norma's, because she's so damned rational and calm about it all... Creepyish. So, pissed off, cold, and tired, I went to work... and I was only about 10 minutes late.

Fortunately (for all involved), Arthur [one of the several people who has a special place in my heart, not] did NOT choose to pick this little gem out of the air and present it to the world for examination. He -did-, however, make himself so overly annoying that I wanted to fucking hit him. He cannot speak in a normal tone of voice. He -has- to shout. At one point today, he was shouting in my -ear-.

He also has this phrase that he uses over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, about anything remotely harmful -- "Aaaaigh, my eye!"

I snapped. Literally and figuratively -- I told him I'd -spit- in his eye, though I didn't get a chance to finish the sentence.

I also deleted his homework. -That- was an accident, though... He'd been saving it in a folder containing Destiny Media Player files, which he is NOT supposed to have on his 'top. So I threw it, along with 'Q, another media player, and a Quake 3 Arena demo into the trash and emptied it. He said he hid the homework there because his brothers were using his computer and he didn't want them to "Quote 'accidentally' unquote" delete it. Makes sense to me, 'cause I know how relatives can be... So I told him that -he- needed to tell them to keep their grubby paws off of it because it was _HIS_ computer, _HE_ was the one that filled out the paperwork and attended ECA, -HE- was responsible for it, and that it was not theirs, they had not, and did not, so they were not to be touching it. I also told him to tell his mother, and that she could talk to me if she didn't believe Arthur.

What else happened today? Well... There was about a crisis a minute, it seemed... Computers crashing and restarting, or refusing to start; powerbooks with drained batteries refusing to respond to the power cord that was -definitely plugged in at all the key points (I swear, I'd like to meet the genius that developed the stupid things and strangle him with his own design. But not before he told me how to make them all work.); Arthur bellowing and fighting with Paul; Erik and Jane fighting like babies over who was going to hand over their 'confiscated' goods first (Jane had Erik's pencil, Erik had Jane's keys...); they're no longer allowed free reign of the campus because some of them were roughousing in front of the playschoolers, which of course is a gigantic no-no so they all have to stay in at lunchtime, which means even more of the usual boy-girl stupidity; Arthur and Paul fighting; Aztec-Boy and Lazarus decided to type stuff about me being blood-thirsty and horrible in first hour; Paul and Arthur fighting... Arthur bellowing... Lynn and Jill agonizing over notes; Arthur fighting with Paul some more...

I can totally, utterly sympathize with Mme. Jean's complete -loathing- of girls her age. And I only have to deal with a half-dozen! Highschool aged boys are also pretty much useless in my book... Aztec-Boy is pretty cool, though, and Red and James are spiffy, too. Paul's not so bad, either, when he's not in a snit with Arthur. If I could have slapped those two, I would have -- they were -so- disruptive! Gah!

And room two smelled like new paint and Chinese food during third hour, which was weird. Not -bad-, but definitely strange.

And to top it all off, I wanted to be home, asleep, instead of watching it snow and knowing that I still have my summer tires on my car.

I should go to bed soon. I keep complaining I'm tired, but I'm not ready to go to bed... I probably won't be able to sleep for a while anyhow.

The good news is that Echoes comes on in about half an hour, and my fave station is having its biannual membership drive... I think this is the year I become a member.

I want my scanner to work! I promised Mme. Jean I'd scan her incredible, wonderful, exquisite stuff when I got it fixed up... Maybe I'll get ready for bed, really quickly, and then use my remaining time to mess with my scanner. I hope I don't have to reinstall the drivers... *Grumple* That'd be a real pain in the ass.

Heh. I thought this was going to be more of a "I hate my )(&#$&%&_#)&ing life" post... Not that I'm -complaining-, mind you. Just noticing.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:36 PM |

Link Of The Day: I want to go to the Orbit City Masquerade Ball, but I can't think of a costume nor a partner. I'd ask Mme. Jean, but I doubt she'd dance with me, even if I -did- volunteer to dress up as her character Noah...

And is it just me, or is having a couple of Klingon Chancellors as guest speakers kind of... Um... pathetic? Of course, we -are- scheduled to be having a Real Live Astronaut (and local HS alum!) attend, along with someone affiliated with pictures from outer space, which might be interesting. Personally, I'm interested in the Writing Science Fiction workshop that the flier touts.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:45 PM |

Monday, October 09, 2000

I'm such a geek! I now have, in addition to about a dozen miscellaneous chibi/super-deformed Gundam Mobile Suits, 1/144th scale models of Deathscythe, Heavyarms, and Sandrock on top of my monitor. Oh, and a purple shark that squeaks when you squeeze him. (Of course, I squeak upon being squeezed, too, so...)

I think I need to invest in some model paint, or maybe just some new acrylics (less toxic) and a really, really fine brush... They'd look even cooler if I painted them. As it is, though, I got all the stickers on straight, which makes me happy.



I think I know why I like the Harry Potter series so much. It makes me feel the way I did when I first discovered good, funny fantasy -- like if I just turned the right corners, if I looked into the woods hard enough, I'd find the place where I could cross over and be someplace -magic-. Where -I- could make stuff happen just by willing it to, or by saying the right combination of words... -That's- what I like.

I also love the descriptions of the Quidditch matches, and I wanna play, darn it. I have visions of impromptu back-yard matches, though I have no idea what one would do for Quaffles and Bludgers and Snitches. A gold-spray-painted Whiffle ball, maybe? I've even considered adding a shop to Konamasi that uses the slogan "Konamasi's Quality Quidditch Connection!"...




Arrrgh! I had this -huuuge-, dread-lockish tangle in my hair and I thought I was going to end up with a crew-cut... *Mutter* I sooo need to quit procrastinating s'damn much and just get it trimmed...

Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:16 PM |