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Friday, September 29, 2000

Okay, so I went shopping for me today. I've been shopping a LOT, lately, but mostly for a pair of tiger-stripe tights for Mme. Jean for Halloween.

I went shopping looking for ÜberGothy things, right? What did I come home with?

Three t-shirts, all a brilliant and blinding white. (More on them in a minute)
One silk shirt, button down and long sleeved, in royal purple. It's gorgeous.
One little grey t, from J. Crew -- Cost me $1.49. Not kidding.
Annnnd... A dusty blue ankle-length skirt with racing stripes and walking slit by Route 66.

Not a Gothy thing among them! Well, I guess the purple shirt could be considered Gothy.... There were a lot of people in the store for midday on a Friday, but it wasn't too bad. I have no idea where and when I'll wear the skirt, nor with what.


Field trip was -fascinating!- A good time was had by all, even our tour-guide. I was the hero of the day when I went for donuts while everyone else went back to school, as we were running short on time.


More shopping fun tomorrow, as Ev and I are headed for The Other VV and probably most of Our Town's other thrift spots. That and back to the place I bought those cheap fishnets for more. Yee.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:25 PM |

I just realized that I didn't buy any pants. Or shorts. Gah...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:26 PM |

Thursday, September 28, 2000

Hee. Hot Topic's got the boots...

And I can afford them and everything.

I think what I like about HT is the fact that they don't pretend to do anything other than cater to... Um... Well, white trash. They're like the Wal-Mart of trendy fashion, y'know? And while I'm not exactly white trash... It must appeal to the part of me that likes cheap, trashy, kitschy, tasteless, or tacky things. Or maybe just the 'cheap' part of me...

Gonna go to Value Village tomorrow, and look for my skirt!

I have now officially spent waaaay too much money on temporary tattoos. Heh. And I'm not even going to wear most of them! Well, not right -now-, anyways. Let me see if I can describe them in 25 words or less... Hm. Most of them are tribal-derived, some of them are the 'classic' kind -- hearts, crosses, devil-girls, and a celebration of being bad, a couple of animal sets (panthers, dragons, amphibians, and undersea creatures), and inexplicably, a batch with little fairies. I don't even like fairies all that much! But they were screaming buy me, buy me! so I did. *Shrug* Oh well.

Things I Need This Week:

More stockings, which I need like I need t-shirts.
A garter belt, to hold up said stockings. Of course, though, when I think of garters, all I can hear is Lou Costello's voice saying, "Stock socks stay up, but my legs fall down!"
Some new bras. Nice ones, that fit right and everything. I sooooo do NOT want to go bra-shopping... *Blinkle* I was in Wal-Mart, once, trying on bras, and I heard one of the salesgirls say to another one, "Uh-oh, she's doin' the nasty..." I was assuming they meant that bra-shopping is a nasty process, and it kind of is. I don't mind the fitting so much as I despise clawing through the racks of 38Cs and 40Ds, looking for My Size, which is somewhere between Unicorns and Dragons on the Mythical Creatures list.
New pants. Ones that fit, and don't make me look too bad.


I like clothes. *Blinkblink* I never fully realized that before. I really -like- clothing. Back to the list.

A personal dresser. Someone that will go shopping with me, then tailor the things I like so they -fit- me and don't make me look like I have no money (which I usually don't)... Just a few more days, I can make it...
Some new shoes. I need these about as much as I need stockings and t-shirts, but hey. I only own one pair of MaryJanes, and that's just wrong. (Besides, I need some MJs I can wear with socks. My present ones only work with tights, 'nets, or hose.)
Hair things. I don't even know what kind of hair things I -want-, I just know I want some. Not like I don't have any already... I own one large hairstick (originally part of a set of birch cooking chopsticks); two red Brazilian wood 'sticks; a beautiful gold-tone-and-gold-swirled-pearly-enamelled metal French-twist clip; a set of short 'sticks from Nordy's, sent to me by my Aunt In Seattle; a funky barrette (also from AIS) that I've never yet worn because I A) lost it and B) have way too much hair; Not one, not two, but -three- (that's right, 3) faux-tortishell clip-and-pin sets, one of which is designed to act as a bun-basket (and doesn't on me due to the aforementioned excess hair); and a good double-handful of scrunchies in various hues and fabrics. Not that I can find the ones I liked best... I had this one that looked like it was made from the same fabric as this blue t-shirt I've got, and I used to be able to actually -coordinate- my hair and my outfits! Grey one with my little grey t and bluejeans, and grey socks, blue one with blue t/blue socks... I'm sure I'll find them again eventually.
Underwear. Not like I'm going commando at present (and how -did- we get the phrase 'going commando', anyhow? Or am I better off not knowing?)), but I -could- use some new things. And I'd like to start exploring my options in that department. For years, I've stuck with Hanes Sensible Cotton Undies For Young (and Old) Prude-like People, partly because they're damn comfy, and partly because that's just how it was. Now, however, I get to make the decisions (because it's my money!)... Why not? If I don't buy great quantities, then I'm not out a lot if I don't like them. And I -will- be buying more boxers/regular undies, so that's okay.
More socks. Actually, this really -is- a necessity rather than a luxury. I simply need some more socks.
Silk shirts without holes. To be more precise, long-sleeved button-down silk shirts. In various colors, but primarily white, black, dark blue and dark red. I own a -nice- black button-down silk shirt, but it's short sleeved, so wearing it over my 3/4s-sleeve shirt is kind of out of the question.
A bustier. I've got some ier to bust, as my strange uncle would put it, and I'd like to give it all the help I can. Er... And I'm something of a sucker for hooks and eyes, though I don't know where -that- came from. Hee.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:45 PM |

More Pearls From The Sty...

I'm not really kidding. This room has been an armpit for waaaay too long.

Anyhow... I've found a whole bunch of nailpolish and makeup I'd forgotten about, including a new lip-brush I'd gotten some months ago; the funky barrette from AIS; my translucent dusting/finishing powder by Natural Glow; and a regiment. Okay, more of a detachment, actually. *Grin*

Bazi Piarres, Captai
Asti Totola, Soldier
Matz Piartze, Soldier
Jon Lordaro, Soldier
And last but not least,
Asio Beherra, Soldier.

I miss my Basques. I miss everybody, actually... Beej and Neets, Bijou and Blinky, Finn and Fraser Lyn, Anginie and Muls, even Cynda and Dom. I miss my Konamasi, I miss my friends...

Guh. Must be time for bed. Tomorrow, it's the police station and donuts! (But not at the same time. *Snicker* *Ahem*)
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:09 PM |

Wednesday, September 27, 2000

Pearls From The Pig-sty

I have more pencils than anyone could possibly use in three years sitting beside me. *Grin* And I know there are more, lurking on my still-gungy table!

I found one of my Pentel Sharplet P205s! Yes! I also found a pair of scissors, at least three more Sharpies, my missing medication (woo-hoo), a pencil topped with an eggplant (with googly eyes!), a pencil case with my good drawing pencils and erasers, a good double-handful of black Bic ballpoints, and a partridge in a pear tree.

The search continues for my little Cassiopia HPC... Sigh. The screen will still be broken, I know, but at least I'll have it to send away to be fixed!

Found: Lounge-A-Palooza! Now I can listen to The Girl From Ipanema any time the urge strikes. And think of Red Vines and Cok and Hockey Players and snicker to myself.

Can you tell I've been cleaning up my room?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:11 PM |

Fashion Gleanings!

Black velvet scrunchie with black satin/grosgrain ribbon around the outside edge, fishnets that fit (in black, of course), and some really cool temporary tattoos. All Hail the 1.49 store! Okay, so the hose wasn't 1.49... It was significantly -less- than the only other pair of larger 'nets I'd seen, though. *Shrug* And I -am- going to go back to the store and stock up, 'cause aside from attracting all manner of dog hair, I get the feeling that the 'nets will snag and run more easily than anything else I've ever owned.

They look damned sexy with my cute little patent-leather MaryJanes, though. I now need to get a skirt, or learn to sew so I can make my own... I want one in PVC or pleather. Or velvet. Burgandy or midnight-blue velvet would be yummy. And, contrary to my usual leanings, I think I want one that hits right at my knees, or just a teeny bit below. Not a mini-skirt, but one a -lot- shorter than I usually wear. I'm not brave enough to wear my half-slip as my sole skirt, yet.... Okay, not in -public- anyhow, and not where anyone else can see me. Never -mind- the little fact that I can't find the darn thing. Sigh.

Of course, this also means I have to shave my legs. Whee.

I still don't know what I'm going to do about my hair, either. I could bleach it out and then dye it blue, which I keep threatening to do; I could just bleach it a little and have bright orangy-red hair; I could bleach it and dye it red with one of the myriad red kits that are on the market, or I could get my mother to do it up in pincurls and then not brush it out... Ooh. I like that idea! Pin curls... And if I cut my hair short enough, they'll turn out really well. Hmm.

I'm still waffling over my trick-or-treat costume. Drag king is looking mighty tempting, but I don't know how Mme. Jean feals about it. I haven't -mentioned- it to her, for one thing... And I'm still of mixed feelings about it myself.

Okay. I want some spiffy boots, damnit. I have come to terms with it, and wanting outlandish footwear is not something to be ashamed of. Kept quiet-ish around my family, yeah, but that's because they'll look at me funny. And why do I only gravitate towards the expensive and overseas types? I wonder if Hot Topic still has those big platform-flame boots...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:49 PM |