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Saturday, August 12, 2000

Lots of thoughts for today (well, yesterday, now...) Where to start?

Mom's a good place. *Grin* I love my mother, and I'm hoping she'll be around another 40+ years at least.

And since we're talking about relatives, I may as well mention my brother. Ev, you can be a real pain in the ass, sometimes, but I love ya. And Thursday afternoon? That meant the world and a half to me, kiddo. I don't care if all you're doing is paying me back for the times I caught people staring at you in your headgear, I still appreciate it.

Would it be too much to ask of the world that I find a non-IE/NS browser that supports both graphics -and- java-SCRIPT- without requiring me to hunt down an extension/driver/library that doesn't even seem to exist and will -run- on my not-quite-ancient machine? I thought so. Siiiiiigh.

In more computer-related news, my grandmother told me today that she talked to Jack, who wanted to know if I'm still interested in the job. And that he's basically depending on me to take it. And that I'll be employed by not one but two agencies (yes, -two- paychecks), with the option to go permanent (in the job Jack's offering) next year, which means far more bennies than I've got now. Y'know, -little- perks, like health insurance. Heeeeee.

So I'm looking forward to having school start. I have no idea what I'll be doing, precisely, but I know it's gonna be good for me.

I've finally decided that I'm one of those people that gets into their jobs/careers completely by accident. If I go out and -look- for this job, I'll either never find anyone that needs me or I'll never get hired for it. It's an education-related job, and I have NO qualifications. No teaching certificate, no degrees, not even any college save for a summer drawing class under my belt. The only saving grace on my whole resumé is the three years I've worked at a school. Well, seven, if you count the stuff I did while -in- school. Anyhow... I've been sitting around, not-getting a job for the summer, and here comes this beautiful offer, falling right in my lap. I didn't even spend all that much time talking to Jack during the year! And certainly nothing along the lines of 'So, are ya hiring yet?' Not that I'm -complaining-, heavans no. I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations...

It's going to be a little more difficult to get stuff done this year. If the kids are as spread out as the Fire Inspector forces them to be, I'm going to end up running in and out of the room all day long. That's -not- my idea of a good time, and it can actually be harmful in the long run -- I already have problems with disrupting other classes when I have to explain long, complicated things to someone. But... We can't exactly have a computer lab. Our Ethernet setup is kinda limiting, as are financial concerns... We can't afford to rent three rooms, and I'm pretty sure our landlords aren't charging an arm and a leg. If I had/A million dollars... They'd raise my taxes... Er, anyway. The ideal situation would be to ignore the Fire Inspector's decree, or to find some lovely workaround that didn't involve too much physical labor... I've begun contemplating installing more outlets, but as I'm not an electrician... *Snicker* Besides, I think it probably violates our lease to make unscheduled repairs or improvements without consulting a higher-up. I hope we get to change our own lightbulbs this year... Flickering flourescents are damned annoying.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:35 PM |

...A promise carved in stone...

I found it! I'm so brilliant... And I love the fact that you can get the URL of the site you download something from in IE's download manager. That's spiffy. So anyhow... The Mac-centric Reznor Article.

He made Pretty Hate Machine with a Mac Plus. A Mac _Plus_!
Yeah. I'm a geek. I know.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:40 PM |

A diversion related to the one below: The Big Waste Of Space's Library. Thanks to the forums at FameTracker, I now know where to look to see booboos in Jurassic Park. I happen to like JP, but not nearly as much as this guy...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:48 PM |

I'd forgotten about wasting time at Boxerjam. I particularly like Know-It-All and Strike A Match, because I get to wrack my brain for all the odd trivia I know and look for words that fit certain patterns, both of which I'm good at. My scores are fairly mediocre, in the grand scheme of things, but that's okay.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:03 PM |

If I had a quarter for every shard of plastic on my floor, I could afford to buy myself replacements for all the jewelcases I've broken. I have no idea exactly how many I've decimated, but it's more than three. In fact, the case for Old '97's' Hitchike To Rhone disintegrated in my hands when I picked it up! The only parts that are not broken are the CD and the grey liner thing the CD attaches to.

I like AdCritic. They always have good commercials I never get to see.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:07 PM |

And now, a word from our sponsor... Who manufactures things that everyone needs!

I present: The Aztec Washer Company. No, as in rubber washers. No, you know, the kind that go in faucets? Yes, -that- kind of washer.

Just in case you were wondering... A) no, they're not my sponsor and B) I was looking for the -Uniform- plumbing codes. I -knew- it started with a 'u' and meant 'standard all over'....
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:14 PM |

And what, exactly, does Canadian Railway Telegraph History have to do with the UPC? Interesting-sounding site, but not what I was looking for.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:22 PM |

Oh. I guess I can't really expect any large-scale changes to say the background until I y'know, like, update the page.

Hi. I'm dyslexic. Does it show?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:39 PM |

I want to know what Mr. Black says during the first track on Surfer Rosa... The bit that goes "I was talkin' to Peachy Peach about kissy-kiss (I have no idea if that's a verb or a proper noun). He bought me a soda... He bought me a soda an' tr [gibberish] inna/in th' parkin' lot!" Half the time it sounds like "an' tried t'seduce me inna parkin' lot!" and the other half it's just random syllables. I guess I'll see if I can find a Pixies fan site or a lyrics repository that'll tell me...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:47 PM |

Gamespot is a half-hour TV show that runs on ZDTV (and if you don't get ZDTV... I'm sorry. Call your cable guys up and ask for it. If nothing else, Patrick Norton and Alex Wellen are worth it... *Ahem* More about -that- in a minute.), featuring what else? Gaming news and reviews. They've gotten a sneak peek at Final Fantasies IX-XI, and you can read all about it here. The bit that makes -me- squeak in anticipation is the fact of Yoshitaka Amano's name being associated with the project. Mr. Amano's artwork is featured in the latest Sandman release, and he's got a show of artwork from the book in New York right now. I've only seen an advert and a calendar, but it makes me want to see more. Yum.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:53 PM |

Thursday, August 10, 2000

In the words of Pinky and The Brain... Yeee-haw! (It's from Bubba Bo Bob Brain. Never mind.)

I not only figured out how to make my email address show up the way I want it to, but I am now the official owner of a Blog on Crosswinds!

I thought that I wouldn't be able to post to Crosswinds because their FTP system is set up to only allow things like Fetch or Win_FTP to connect. Using NetScape and the ftp://fishcakescentral@ftp.blahx3.com format works, but it always denies access after the username and password dialog box. But, since Blog is basically an incredibly fancy FTP program, it doesn't even blink! It's a little slower than tripod, but it works, and there's no pop-up! Yaaaay!

Er, the whole Crosswinds site isn't really open to the public, so I'll probably be using this one a lot more for a while.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:01 PM |

A Word On Inconsistency...

Yeah, I know. I either need to use bold titles throughout, or just forget about it. But y'know... Sometimes, I just can't think of a good title, so I don't use one. *Shrug* Oh well.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:03 PM |

I need to go birthday shopping for my mother. I have to wait for my brother to get home, so we can go together...

I can't believe that it's already August. Wasn't it just May, yesterday? The day before?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:10 PM |

Oh, and the largest pants that Old Navy carries (as far as I could tell) is 20. And their overalls only go up to an extra-large.

But they have lots of t-shirts...

I need more t-shirts like Bill Gates needs more money. I think I'm gonna go watch TV.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:22 PM |

Wednesday, August 09, 2000

A Day In My Oh-So-Exciting Life...

I straightened and vacuumed the living room, and I found three spools of thread I lost by the expedient method of throwing them during a fit of pique. Yes, I was ashamed. Kenmore made some skookum vacuums some years ago... I don't think the recent model that my grandparents have would have swallowed the black Bic ballpoint I accidentally vacuumed up today.

More thrills await... I'm off to take a friend cricket and doll shopping. *Snerk*

Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:41 PM |

Tuesday, August 08, 2000

Last-minute reprieves...

Are nice, kinda. I got to the doctor's office (early!) and was told sorry, Doc's over at the hospital, assisting with a crisis... So I got to go have lunch instead of getting prodded and poked. Of course, this means I only deferred the inevitable... Personally, I was kind of disappointed. I wanted to get this visit over and done with so I didn't have to think about it any more.

...Freaks, who suspect/they can never love anyone...

Strangely enough, I happen to like that Aimee Mann song. Normally, though, the term 'freak' applied to people that look...well...-different- bothers me. Applied to decidedly normal-looking folks, as in the people that insist on pulling out in front of me and then dawdling along, forcing me to drive 30 in a 45 zone... That's all right. I think it's because they're perfectly normal and have other things to keep them up at night.

But back to being freakish... There's a woman named Jennifer Miller, who lives/works in New York. She has this troupe of actors... Y'see, the lady's got facial hair. Not just a little, but a lot. And she doesn't bother to hide it. That takes, to be blunt (and highly inaccurate), balls. New -York-. Yes, I know, it's supposed to be the odd-person capital of the free world, but I would think that even in New York there are jerks that stare, whisper, and giggle. I don't know how she did it, how she found enough spine to not only -not- cave to societal pressure, but to blatantly spit in its face. She did, though, and I admire that.

Ugh... I'm tired, and I have a new MST3K video to watch: I Accuse My Parents. Mitchell was pretty funny, even if the clothes were better than the plot (and I -hate- '70s attire, which is saying something). More later, if I can wake up for it.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:48 PM |

I use the word 'ugh' too much.

Obligatory Clothing Links Of The Day...

I almost forgot! *Grin* ThinkGeek has some great t-shirts and stickers. And for those in the crowd that want a less DOS-oriented stuff (all one of us...) The Mac Surf Shop.It's a little difficult to navigate (which bothers me, but then, that -is- just me), but the shirts are funny. I think I want the National Security Risk one... And I'd definitely love the 'Mac geek' one.

And no, I don't obsess over clothes all the time. Just at back-to-school time or when I'm down to one pair of hole-free pants, whichever comes first. Which reminds me that I -did- find a pair of jeans at Value Village, in black, even! And they're a little too big, which is nice.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 3:57 PM |

Yeah, I know I said I was gonna watch a movie...

But I got sidetracked thinking about hats. So I ran a search for them on Google, and found this page. I like slogans/logos/proverbs/whatever in other languages, but I -will- do my best to -verify- said words if I ever get around to buying anything with non-english expressions on it, mostly because I'd hate to accidentally offend someone.

Okay. Going now.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 4:05 PM |

Hee. I Accuse My Parents probably sucked just as badly the first time it came out (WWII)... Fortunately, Joel, Crow and Tom make it tolerable. I love those guys.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:04 PM |

I am slowly working my way up to... Blogger Greatness. Or, in less ridiculous terms, this is a test to see if my email address will show up.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:10 PM |

I discovered that I can still log into Go.com, not that I want to. I wonder if they did away with all of my homepages... Not that that's much of a loss, since I didn't know what I was doing (writing/designwise, anyhow) way-back-when, but I -did- have some stuff I wanted to save... Oh, and their new chat rooms still suck. Nia's is empty, empty, empty...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:43 PM |

Go.com also sucks because they have decided to play hide-and-seek (mostly seek) with the file-manager for the 'free homepages' they offer. *Wince* Hee. I forgot that when they rearranged everything, they moved all the homepage stuff to homepages.go.com. Silly me...

My brother swears too much. Just in case you wanted to know.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:50 PM |

Ah! My stuff is still there (amazingly enough)... Including this bit I wrote after my aunt mentioned Dutch Cocoa powder... I'd still like to know why the heck that background is pale yellow on my Mac and a funky pinkish-mauvey....weird shade on this DOSbox.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:58 PM |

Eventually, I shall find an alternative for 'sucked' as an adjective meaning 'bad, bad, bad'. Not right now, though.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:06 PM |

Monday, August 07, 2000

Okay, I'm checking to see if I can post from a slow, sad Mac in a new and different way... Kinda.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:41 AM |

Well, last night's test worked once. Oh well. Maybe from a slightly newer, faster Mac...

In other news, it turns out that the finish on the buckle of my watchband is wearing off, which gives me a lovely greenish splotch on my wrist. At least it wasn't some strange new skin disease, or a nasty and mysterious bruise.

Friends, are -you- worried about your air gap? You should be. Here's why. Does the state of Urbana's (Illinois -- "All the way to Urbana for a one-night stand!?") plumbing code regs keep -you- awake at night? Learn more about them, and put your mind at ease. (I'd just like to point out that the link has very little to do with the plumbing regs, which puzzles me, but then... It's the web. Things are weird like that.)

Why the focus on plumbing regs? Dad's a plumber, and he wants me to find the Universal/International Plumbing Code online for him. It's beginning to look like he'll just have to bite the bullet and buy the book, although I wonder why- No, I don't wonder. I know why ASD doesn't have a copy on CDROM... They're too cheap. *Grump* I swear, if people in this city put the same amount of effort and dedication into taking care of our schools that they do into getting marajuana legalized or tax caps repealed/instated... *Mutter* But anyhow. Back to plumbing...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 11:50 AM |

You know, aside from George Junior and Gore, I have no idea who's running for president. Not that I'm terribly interested in knowing, since I'm not going to vote for any of them... I almost never vote for politicians, whether they're local or national. I -vote-, no worries, it's just that I do things like write in John Linnell for president and John Flansburgh for Vice President. I think I once nominated Trent Reznor for mayor of my city... And I know I've written in completely fictional characters for school board seats.

I just... I don't like politics because all it is is one huge, never-ending argument. No one will ever convince -all- of the people of their greatness, none of the candidates ever seem -real- to me, and the eventual winners of the spot usually end up doing things that I don't approve of, politically or personally. Look at Clinton! Sure, we haven't had a war or anything, but that doesn't really matter compared to the fact that we were all subjected to the whole Lewinsky debacle. For me, that ranks right up there with the death of Princess Diana and the OJ trial. I. Don't. Give. A. Damn. Any. More. So shut the hell up. Thanks. Yes, it was tragic, yeah, it's a mystery, okay, Lewinsky went down on him. I know. I don't need to know any more. Thanks. *Ahem* It would seem that I still harbor lots of resentment towards the media...

Another thing about politicians is that they're... Either not very bright, or they're somewhat lazy. You'd think that they'd want to know what Napster actually -does- before they go around telling people what it does... But I'll stop now, or I'll be here all day, and I need to go to the bank, among other things. *Grin* Clothes shopping, yaaaay! New pants! And maybe even a new T-shirt or two, since I don't have any. Heh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:06 PM |

Well, I suppose that since Nineveh/Assyria is either a seperate country or is found in one far, far from the US, that the U/IPC applies to facilities there. That doesn't explain why it's first in line on Altavista's results, though. *Blink*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:10 PM |

I've always wanted a dictionary that was specialized to deal with a certain group of words. Mostly, I've wanted things like The Finnish-English Dictionary of Hockey, or The French-English Dictionary of Hockey... Maybe it would be simpler to ask for a hockey dictionary wih multiple-language entries. Anyhow. I've never seen anything that comes close, with the possible exception of French computer terms or something. However, ICBO now has a Constructionary -- a dictionary of construction terms in English-Spanish and Spanish-English. I'd ove to have a copy, even though I'd probably never need any of the terms... ICBO also has a bunch of helpful resources for the professional and amature alike.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:17 PM |

I'm sure that the whole water-heater relief valve discussion was very important, but for some reason, it struck me as funny. I don't know why. The best part of it all, though, was when I scrolled down just for fun and found a link to the International Code Committee, who's in charge of generating and maintaining international standards for everything from plumbing and electrical wiring to fuel/gas transfers. I think. I may have found the IPC stuff dad wanted!

Nope, I didn't. Darn.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:24 PM |

Wah! I wanted to read the page titled "Horizontal Drainage Is Wimpy"... But I got a 404. *Grumple*

On the other hand, you can learn all about the plumbing codes and statutes where I live, if you feel like it.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:29 PM |

*Mumble* It looks like the 2000 IPCs aren't online. But at least I looked! And I'm going to keep looking, since I know I haven't hit everything...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:37 PM |

I love Metaspy Exposed. Where else will you see "Apple Storage Bins" and "russell esposito" on the same page? (Besides here.) Is Russ Phil's brother, or are they unrelated?

Of course, it also tends to expose you to all of the unpleasant things people are searching for, too, not to mention a prepoderance of 'Adult Site' banners... *Makes a face*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:42 PM |

I've been looking for this picture! It's a cropped version of the cover of Joan Jett's 'Fetish' album... Ever since I saw it at Mammoth Music, I've wanted a copy of it -- The picture, not necessarily the album. Why? Partly because I happen to like the picture a lot myself... And partly because I can see it hanging on the wall at Richard's house. Or maybe Conrad's... But it's definitely there. *Snicker* *Ahem*

I'm trying to decide if I want to cut my hair short. No, I mean -really- short (but not -that- short). On the one hand, it'd be so much easier to take care of... But on the other, I had a short-hair disaster in 7th grade which pretty much put me off of getting anything more than a trim, which is how I got my hair to the length it is today. It's easy to get long hair -- never get it cut. haircuts seem to me to be an expensive and less-than-useful excercise in futility (which is not helping my decision-making process), so... I rarely get mine cut. Trimmed, on occasion, but not cut/styled.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:56 PM |

I have to admit, I like this hairstyle... (see?) I just don't think it'd look too spectacular on me.

I could possibly get away with doing this to my hair... But -not- this. Or this.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:10 PM |

A tract! A tract! *Ahem* I'd just like to say that Jesus probably had long hair because A) TrendSetters was not around, then, and B) Leviticus, which many Christians regard as The Holy Law That Must Be Obeyed Or Else, says not to cut hair or beard. Funny, though, how people convinently forget about that while at the same time using Leviticus to condemn homosexuality...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:22 PM |

More on men and short hair...

A thread on What Men Think. It's interesting until you get to the last line of the last post, and then it's just sad.

Interesting thought -- I wear my small-of-my-back-length hair up in a bun nearly all the time... And even when it's 'down' it's technically bound into a braid. Part of this is because loose hair gets in my eyes and mouth and tickles my nose and ears, thereby driving me up the wall... And part of it is... Well. I don't like the subconscious perception of 'sexy' that long, loose hair has? I have no idea. I've never thought of it that way, really. I don't see why not...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:35 PM |

Heh. I'll probably end up writing a rant about this sermon concerning Christian Duty to God, but right now, I'm just going to breathe deeply and let the silliness flow away... It's okay... I'm calm... I'm calm...
Posted by: Shannon M.: 1:41 PM |

I'm not calm.

"That day when you don't want to go out soul winning, that day when you don't desire to go soul winning and you wish you could stay home and it is no longer an inspiration, it is no longer an enjoyment but you do it not because you want to do it but because it is your duty to do it, that is the day you mature in the Christian life." ... "Here is the difference between a great church and a good church. A great church serves God when the tingle is gone, the inspiration is gone, the excitement is gone, the thrill is gone. But the church keeps on going. When they feel good about it and bad about it they keep on going."

According to this guy, I'm the worst Christian in the world. Why persist in something that no longer brings you joy? Continuing to do something because you feel you 'should' or because you 'have to' (and not for -good- reasons, either -- I'm not going to be rendered homeless and destitute just because I'm not trying to convert everyone I come in contact with) is not at ALL -healthy-. In fact, it's the quickest way to get yourself a flock full of discontent, sad, and just plain depressed congregants. How did this guy decide to write this thing?

[The following is purely my speculation, and did not come from the sermon.] "Let me see... Duty's always a good topic. Now, how can I get them to see how important it is? Read-alongs are always good. And Ecclesiastes has that great quote... But I don't think my people can understand just how important this is without a little badgering. And I don't respect them, after all, -I- am the man of God, here... So... There, I'll humiliate and shame them into submission! God likes that."

Uh, NO. I don't think so.

"Listen to me. You are not a good Christian because you do what you like to do when you enjoy doing it. You become a good Christian when you come to that place in your Christian life where the Bible is no longer an enjoyment but you read it because you are supposed to read it. When you transfer inspiration for obligation in Bible reading, in prayer, in soul winning, in Sunday school teaching, in bus ministry and, yes, at the Bill Rice Ranch as you work this summer, then you are a good Christian."

And why not? I choose to read the Bible when I want to, for either informational or recreational purposes. I had to read the Bible in school because someone thought it was good for me. I hated it. Oh, sure, we read the good bits like Luke 2:1-2:20, and a few parts of Matthew (I think), and some of Genesis, but I'd already read all of it before. Many times. In my family, it's traditional to open the Christmas celebrations with a reading of The Nativity and a prayer. So, every year for 21 years, I've heard the incredible story. I've -sung- it for the last 6 or 7. Anyhow.

I go to the Bible when -I- want to, not because someone else thinks I 'should'. I tell others about my view of God, when they ask and when it's relevant, not before and certainly not because I 'should'. Because I believe (and I believe the way I do), I choose to thank Him for all He's done for me and for many. I choose to try my best to uphold the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and hew to the admonishment to love others as God loves me. I manage to do that most of the time, though I do have lapses -- most notably when it comes to coveting things and being nice to others. That is my obligation to God, the only one I have to Him.

"That is one reason why we ought to rally to this Ranch, those of us who are friends of the Ranch, [...] And when that time comes where you do not want to send an offering because you are not inspired, you send it because you are supposed to send it. And you send your young folks here because you are supposed to send them here. And you do that which you ought to do because it is your duty to do it."

No, it's not. I'm not obligated to give -any- of my money to -anyone-. If I give money, it's because I have chosen to believe in and support whomever I give that money to. If I were interested in supporting your Ranch, I'd be sending money, not because I'm -supposed- to, but because I would be interested in supporting and sustaining something I feel is important to the community as a whole. This is why my mother not only pledges to St. Mary's, but buys peanut butter for FISH (Fellowship In Serving Humanity). She doesn't have to. But she thinks that FISH (who makes up food bundles for the needy around town) deserves the support, along with the church. My mother gives more of herself, her time and her talents to St. Mary's than anything else I've ever seen her do in my life. It's a beautiful thing. But it's not her obligation. It's not her duty. She wants to. She likes to. You cannot have joyful loving hearts if you force people into doing things from fear or guilt.

"Two weeks ago our son David received a doctors degree from a college in Florida. The commencement services were on Sunday night. It was one of the greatest days of his life and his dad was not there. Why? Because God has called me to pastor the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. It is my duty. That night when I walked into my pulpit my mind was twelve hundred miles away. But I preached. Why? It was my duty."

That's just -sad-. God understands that your children are important to you. God doesn't mind if you let someone else preach for you while you go celebrate the accomplishements of your kids. God -likes- it when you choose to honor Him by thanking Him for giving you the opportunity to see your child fulfill a dream. I know that -my- father would, were he a preacher of any stripe, happily take the time out to see me graduate, particularly if I was getting my PhD.

Posted by: Shannon M.: 2:29 PM |

Fortune City sucks. Either that or it's Microsoft Publisher. Either way, it seems my short-hair links (for pictures on http://members.fortunecity.com/hairsoshort/) don't work. I'm working on it, but for now... *Mutter* The first picture on the page is the one of Joan Jett that I'm so excited about... the rest are found on the page called 'color'.

Oh, and my grandmother has a school-site up that uses that -exact- same color scheme/link layout/etc, which is one of the stock templates that MSPublisher comes with.

Looks like you'll just have to go to the site itself, which is annoying. Sorry, but it only lets me look at single images if they're already cached. Bleah.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:31 PM |

Ugh... Doctor's tomorrow, and I haven't used my inhaler once, though I think I shoooould... But every time I think/thought about it, it's either been too far away (like, miles away), or too late (inhaling what is basically caffiene at 3:30 AM? Don't think so...), or too... I don't know. I didn't want to find out I was allergic to it the hard way with no one I knew to watch me to make sure my lips weren't turning blue.

The human body scares me. Does it show?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:57 PM |

Sunday, August 06, 2000

Well. Now that I've figured this out, I'm going to change everything! Ha.
What that really means is that I can actually put this on the page that I want to, since my goal in life is to have -everything- I've ever commited to HTML (including this, although it's not really -my- doing... But anyhow.) in one single spot. For right now, that seems to be Crosswinds.net, which is not as bad as it used to be.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 12:33 AM |

Okay, so I'm probably not going to be able to put this up on Crosswinds, which annoys me. *Grump* And I also seem to be limited to doing this from a DOSbox, which also annoys me... My whole bookmark debacle reminds me that I have now lost my link to Apple's Mac-centric interview of Trent Reznor. Sigh. I'm sure I can still get to it from here, though.
Other than this news, and the fact that I'm less than enthused about my impending doctor's visit on Tuesday, there's not much going on in my life. Mom's making cookies, though. Oatmeal, with walnuts. Yum.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 6:47 PM |

I have some confessions to make. Number one:
While I think that ninety-eight percent of the population of Bolt are probably very nice people with a poor grasp of basic computer knowledge, I also tend to think they're my intellectual inferiors. Which is not to say that all of them are stupid, it's just that... Well, they never come across as being very bright to -me-. And I know it's not nice, but... It's true. And they probably don't think too highly of me, either, so it probably works out just fine.

Number two:
I, um... Am a member. Of Bolt. Run a search for Solstice_Ravens, if you're dying to know... And I accidentally set the wrong year for my DOB, which makes me a year older in their computer. I did manage to give them my correct sex, though, and half the time I can't decide if I'm happy with that choice. I never get poorly worded invitations for cybersex, anyhow, so it's not like there's any reason to keep my true gender a secret... But I never -feel- like I have much of a gender. Not mentally, anyhow. If I -had- to describe my mental gender, I guess I'd have to say something like 'sensitive Guy'. I like action movies and I have a deep and abiding compassion for unfortunates, which sometimes makes me cry. And -that-, I know, is something of a stereotype, but hey. No one ever said gender issues were clear-cut.

Have you ever noticed that most of the people that participate in an online community designed to get people to interact are people you'd never really want to interact with anyhow? At least not in real life? That's kind of how I feel about Bolt. It's interesting, but I'm not totally into the whole scene. I think my brain is too old or something, and that it caters more to the giggly-teen-girl audience.

One of the bones of contention on Bolt is an outfit called Hot Topic, about which it seemed everyone but me knew. After poking around on it, all I can say is that it reminds me of a local store called The Look, right down to the shoes. Of course, Hot Topic is missing The Look's selection of 'glass pipes' and sex toys, but I suppose if you're in the business of marketing the underground look to the mainstream, you wouldn't want to get sued right out of business.
Me, I just like the t-shirts. "Wearing black is not a crime." "Boy Band Reject" (I want that one, for no particular reason...) " "Chicks dig scrawny pale guys." This one does, anyhow. I also have a thing for guys that look like Matthew Perry (he looks cuddly!) or, say... Tommy Lee Jones. No, I don't know why. But anyhow. I think the Boltsters are blowing the whole idea of Hot Topic way out of proportion. Stores like HT existed before the advent of the 'Net, they'll persist until something comes along that either renders them obsolete or they find something that makes them more money.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:32 PM |

Can I have my publish button, now?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:34 PM |

What makes 'punk' style 'punk'? I suddenly see, now, where HT's detractors on Bolt are coming from. I've been paging through the 'punk' catagory and all I can say is "And this is punk because...?" Really. A little black leather and some spikes do not a punk make. I saw a guy strolling along Jewel Lake Road this afternoon and he was turned out in what I think of as full punk regailia -- Blue spiky mohawk, black jacket dripping chains and patches, dark pants that came down to about mid-calf, dark, clunky-looking boots. It was at least 65 degrees (if not closer to 75), I don't know how he could stand to wear his jacket zipped up, but then, I am not a punk. *Shrug.*

After having seen some of their stuff, though, I must say... I wouldn't mind having an outfit that incorporates the whole flame motif. Particularly the blue flames. That'd be cool.

Um. These are not combat boots, no matter -what- the accompanying text on their little pop-up says.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 7:54 PM |

Heeeeeee. *Grin* HT has A Perfect Circle t-shirts. Yes, I am a geek with no life, why do you ask?

Ooh. They also have a -white- NIN shirt (which may be a first...), along with one that has a snippet of lyrics from Save Myself off of The Fragile... Oh yes, I -am- a strange little weasel... But you knew that. Heh.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:10 PM |

Er... Yellow Rat Bastard is one of those things that I never would have discovered on my own. I've -never- seen it for sale anywhere, I have no reason for needing to know about anything it covers (not that I know what it -does- cover...)... And yet, curiosity drew me to it. Why would anyone want a shopping spree from an outfit called Yellow Rat Bastard? Unless, of course, it was a new nickname for Krycek... So I clicked on it. About the only thing I can say is... How about that. And look! Porn Star t-shirts! *Snicker* *Ahem* Sorry, inside joke.


I miss my bookmarks.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:33 PM |

Goals for the next three months (give or take a month or two):

1) Clean up my room.
2) Get a P.O. box down at MBE, or maybe the post office, whichever's cheaper/easier to do, so I can order stuff online with less paranoia.
3) Be less paranoid, period. Even if I am defining it incorrectly.
4) Wear things I think are spiffy and that I think look good on me, without being too concerned about other people's' opinions.
5) Be less pathetic. *Snicker* That's a joke!
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:38 PM |

Ugh. Number one, '14' is -not- an enormous plus-size! 14 is bloody well normal! And second, that woman wearing the 'plus-size' body stocking is not plus-sized. Plus is like, 20, 22, 24, etc. 14-18 should not be considered 'plus'. Or maybe we should even just -drop- the appelation of 'plus' altogether. That'd make -me- happy. "Do you have this in a 24?" "No, I'm afraid we're out... At least in black. We do have some lovely puce 24s..."

Size should not come with a stigma. One's size should not make one cry in frustration because nothing fits and manufacturers don't think you want to look good, be one large or small.

I want comfy clothes that not only look good, but make me look good. It's enough to make me take up sewing... And people wonder why I'm a jeans-and-t-shirts kind of person.

I hate whoever determines/ed the sizes of clothing. They suck. I should quit getting my hopes up as I poke around in on-line stores.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:49 PM |

A black vinyl bikini sounds really uncomfortable. *Blink*
Posted by: Shannon M.: 8:52 PM |

Okay, so... You're selling anime shirts because anime is really 'hot' right now. Why not, oh... FIND OUT WHAT ANIME THEY'RE FROM!? Gah.

Okay. I'm okay, now...

I was okay. I wanna know what the spiffy-looking sword wielding bishonen is from, dammit. And faux-inflatable knees in a pair of huge-ass cargo pants is just... Strange. Beyond the pale. *Blink*

Look! It's either Ruroni Kenshin (sp? gah...) or Fushigi Yugi!

I'm not against -anyone- wearing anime shirts. I want some of the aforementioned (and a few of the ones I didn't) for myself... But. But I want to know what show it is I'm professing a love for. (I think it'd be hysterical if one of those came from Bronze or some other BExBoy-affiliated show, but then, I'm odd like that.) I want to be able to tell people 'Oh, yeah, this is Soandso from Thisandsuch, it -rocks-.' Is it too much to ask that I know important little details like that?
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:14 PM |

Despite having no practical use for them whatsoever (not to mention the fact that they don't necessarily have them in my size), I find myself drawn to these boots. Which is, in a vague way, kinda scary. Those are really tall heels. I never (usually) want to wear heels that tall!

Maybe I'm just trying to discover my Lioness, which certain people I know maintain is the decidedly more sexual side of one's personality... That is, the one that's in charge of sending out sexual signals/dressing in a...provocative manner, attracting the attention of potential mates, that kind of thing. Which is not a bad thing, but being the person I am, it's not something I'm wholly comfortable with. Sex is, for me, pretty much an academic exercise at this point in time, which means I have no (that's right, -no-) first-hand experience to back any signals up with... Not that I'm not willing to (or interested in) learn(ing), it's just... Well, it goes back to the whole community of nitwits thing. There are very few people out there that I'd want to try it with, and most of them don't even know I'm alive. And the ones that do know I'm alive (and actually like me and everything)... Well, they're -friends-. I'm not all that excited by the idea of sleeping with a friend, though mostly for emotional and philosophical/spiritual reasons. Which sounds weird, but there you are.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:49 PM |

More things I want...

This, which is a folder... As is this, though I'd end up cutting it up and sticking certain phrases on other notebooks/whatevers. Actually, I'd probably cut up both. Or order two of each so I could have a functional one and one to be cannablized...

Hee! They make a notebook version of the psycho folder... "Looking forward to regretting it" "Sorry, was I screaming again?"
Posted by: Shannon M.: 9:56 PM |

It's funny... Well, in the funny-odd way. I was just sitting here wanting a copy of the psycho-notebook, when it suddenly occurred to me that it would kind of make me stand out at school...

But then, it's -school-, and everyone there knows (and respects!) my weirdness. I think maybe that it comes from the quasi-negative vibe of most of the stuff on the cover -- And the mostly-negative worldview of the entire Goth mindset. (Well, -some- of it, anyhow... I'm a prime candidate for being either a 'Peachy Goth' or a 'Perky Goff', both of which I had definitions for, but they were eaten by the God Of Neglected Bookmaks. *Grump* And yeah, I will stop whining about the whole affair. Eventually.)

Most people that know me pretty well know that I'm actually a pretty happy person, and despite the odd black mood, I can't actually live in a state of despair for very long. I get all mildewy and then I -have- to do _something_...

I'm also something of a mental late bloomer, which is why I was making mud pies at 14, playing with Barbies when I was 16, and now am getting into the whole Goth thing at 2x. Sad, kinda.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:07 PM |

They're NOT -wife-beaters-! I am so SICK of people calling them 'wife-beaters'! I swear, I almost asked a guy in Wal-Mart the other day if he -had- a wife, let alone one that he abused after overhearing him tell his friend/relative "Oh! I was gonna pick up some wife-beaters..." as they were standing in line.

They're A-shirts, undershirts, under-tanks as HT calls them, tank-tops, tanks, singlets. Just because a small segment of the population wears them -and- practices domestic violence does NOT make it okay to -call- the article of clothing that. We should be -stopping- domestic violence, not glorifying it. In fact, calling it a wife-beater makes ME think 'Gee, and he/you looked so cute in it, too... One more off the potential-mate list...'

They're not wife-beaters. They're not even 'beaters' until they're old and falling apart at the seams, which qualifies them as a beater in the same sense that an old, tired, rusted-out car is a 'beater'. Thank you.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:14 PM |

Perky Goff! Kinda. It makes my eyes hurt to read it -- I like periwinkle on black as much as anyone, but ouch. And this isn't the one I read the first time around, but... Anyhow. Perkygoff Usenet Posting Archive
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:26 PM |

http://www.redhaze.co.uk/, for all your strange clothing needs. More odd fashion... I'm using my brother's computer... This is just a way to make the rebookmarking process go a little easier.

Ooh! A how-to guide for the beginner!

And, as usual, something I wasn't -exactly- looking for... Goth stuff in the DC area. Look, it's the 9:30 club! And tattoo parlors! *Grin*

I love hats, even if I don't wear them very often... They make my head hot!

More FAQs... A page related to the More Odd Fashion link.
Posted by: Shannon M.: 10:27 PM |