These are the rules.

Read them carefully, follow them, and we'll all live happily ever after, okay?




1) Don't direct-link. This is Tripod and it won't work anyhow, but still. It's not a nice thing to do, no matter what.

2) Don't take something of mine and say you made it. That's lying, and lying will make your tongue turn black, swell up, and fall out. Ick.

3) Unless it says otherwise, you are more than welcome to adopt anything you see here. Just provide credit and a link back, that's all I ask. Text is fine, but if you like banners, there are two below.

4) Look both ways before you cross the street, wash your hands after you use the toilet, and don't talk to strangers. Call your mother, she worries. And never forget to change your socks.


That's it, I'm done.



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