Contest Entries!

These are NOT for adoption, at least, not yet. If/When they get moved over to the regular doll pages is when they'll be ready to live on other pages. Annoying, I know, but look at it this way: if -you- have had as much frustration and irritation with graphics programs as _I_ have, you probably wouldn't want anyone to just blithely snag your creations, either.

Anyhow! On to the dolls:


Gothic Faery for the Contest Dolls' Goth Faery contest.
Yes, I know that A) the dates are wrong, wrong, wrong and B) that Bart probably wouldn't have had a stone. It was late and I was tired.
Base from The Free Base Project.


Me, as a Ravenclaw, for the I'm A Hogwarts Student! contest at Orange Cloud Dolls.
Dixie Bases by Trumbolice


Revamped Ravenclaw, altered to include Quidditch robes.



Tinkerbell With A Twist entry for the contest at Pristine Pixels.
(It's easier to see the bells I added to her with a colored background)
Space Channel 5 Base by Trumbolice, wings by The Free Wing Project (but colored by me!)


Entered in the Timeless contest at Pixelated Dreams.

I didn't expect to win (the bomb thing? Super crappy. I know.), but I also didn't expect to get this, either, which is nice.
The parts of this entry I like best are her clothes and the flower, which was the hardest to do.