A quick little faerie girl, inspired by the wings, actually.
Wings from The Free Project; base by Ritratto di Signora.


I've been working on a whole set of Zodiac dolls, both male and female. I think I'm going to start over, with different bases. This one is by Emby Quinn.


This was going to be entered in the Rain contest at Dolls On The Hill Factory, but I didn't like it well enough to send it. Base by DHF.


A voodoo doll! I forget who was holding the contest (Caffinated Plaid or one of her sister sites?), but the idea was to make a voodoo doll. Since I forgot who was holding the contest, I never sent it. Imaginary base by Caffinated Plaid.



As you might surmise, I get a lot of my inspiration from contests posted to the Dolls Contest mailing list I belong to. Most of the time, I don't ever enter the contests for one reason or another, so I just let them languish on my hard drive until I remember that I can put them up here.


I love Adobe Photoshop Elements. It's exactly the graphics program I want/need. All in all, the only thing I don't actually like about this doll is that she looks entirely too -mean- to be a fairy. This is one of those required-base contests I did an entry for but never actually sent. Base by Sharon.


I love everything about this doll, except possibly the color of her tights. She's an Artistic Vision doll, but she's missing the required belt and necklace. She has everything else, though: patterns on her clothing; shoes; tights; three bracelets; a purse; and the color scheme is pink, yellow and purple. Her hair is long and brown, and she has something in it (a small barrette). Kirie base by Hush.


Ack. The bunnygirl is a Neko base by MR, but I canNOT recall where the egg base came from. It was a site calling them globes, I remember that much. Anyhow, this was for an Eastertime contest. The idea was to do a scene on an egg, like one of those big sugar-eggs you can look into and see the little pastoral, I guess. I decided to go for the whole Furry theme and put a cute bunnygirl on mine, only then I got distracted with the grass and eventually kind of forgot about her. Oopsie. (And now that I think about it, I think I'd rather go with the early celebration of Easter as a fertility festival. *Snerk*)


These two... Well. I like her hair, I hatehateHATE his pants. They were supposed to be khakis, but they're -way- too tight. They were done up as an entry for Lena's Sweethearts contest, which after seeing the entries I was pleased I had not competed in after all. But I still really like her. He's not too bad, either, just his pants.
Her: Kirie by Hush; him: Anime Boy base by Mizfits.


Not a contest entry -- just fiddling. I adore the Advanced Stick Figure bases by Shades Of Grey. There's just something about them that makes me giggle. And the grey kitty entry in the Neko contest there helps a _lot_.


I have no idea what was going on here. Well, aside from the fact that I managed to successfully use a hat to cover up the fact that I could not draw his hair for the life of me. I'm guessing that the little doll is either his from childhood (my brother had one) or it belongs to... I dunno, a neice or something. I really like this base, and I'm not sure why. I think it's the expression on his face. Big base by Doodle Dollies/Sandie ; weeteeny base by Caffinated Plaid.


I'm contemplating just leaving her bald. Or maybe just giving her some stubble. I am inordinately, extraordinarily, immensely proud of those boots, by the way. Not so much the not-really-a-corset, but those boots -- Damn. They turned out _good_. Base by Dell's.


This is Pixy. Pixy needed clothes. So I gave her some. I like them, for the most part, but I want to give her some nice blue bows for her hair. Base by Lola of 2Pixel.


First incarnation of Delphinifolium. I may finish these guys ((half)naked dolls always make me feel sorry for them), some day... Meegie base by Hush, hair/clothes by APSE. And the hair was _HARD_.


This is another contest-inspired doodle. The idea is/was You In Summer. So, here I am in my purple tank, cutoffs, dark blue Simples, and falling-down blue socks. I really, really like the socks and shoes, and the jeans aren't that bad. My hair, though, I love. It doesn't actually look like that, though I try. Base by Trumbolice!




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