And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
...or something like that, anyhow.


My very first successful 'big' doll. And I made her belly button myself!
Base by Trumbolice.

The very first doll I made with hair and face. Granted, the face doesn't really count, since I didn't draw it.
Egghead base by Caffinated Plaid. (I love the Imaginary base at CP... I just wish I could -do- something with it.)

Progression of my very first hand-drawn doll, ever! (I hate the boots. And yes, I'm an idiot -- I've been fighting with the interlace function for a while, now.)
Base by Trumbolice.

SuperTiny mermaid (I personally hate the hair. Bleh.)
Base by Pixel By Pixel Productions, yaaaaay!

This is supposed to be a mermaid getting ready to walk around on dry land.
Base by Emby Quinn.


An experiment with fishnets! I'm in love with her hair.
Base by Trumbolice, surprise.



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