Dolls I have adopted -- links below dolls.
Visit the artist to adopt your own!

Damsel In

Duibhre An Damhair

(I'm trying to collect all of the incarnations of Rikku I can find,
with Lulu and Shiva being my side-quests.)

The above are from

The above are from the lovely
Can you tell what colors I gravitate toward?

Hee, it's Ivan!

Little Bad Black Cat and dolls from

Fine examples from

I like her because she reminds me of lily-of-the-valley.

These lovlies came from the oh-so-fun-to-say

Crystal Dreams, one of the
very few sites to feature Trigun, Buffy, and Cowboy Bebop.
(Vash/Wolfwood, Spike, and Ed, respectively.)

Sandi3d at Doodle
Dollies. I am absolutely slavering over those boots. Those
boots. Gah.

These are from
Swiss Cheese
The one in the middle is from War Of Genesis III, which I have never
played but love anyhow.

These lovelies are from
Temporary Insanity.

Nett of Bondchickz loves
Lulu, too.

Lulu and Rikku from Hush -- a site full of gorgeous dolls.

These dolls are from
Kelley Erin's

These embodiments of things linked with my birth month are by the
talented Jen of Jen's Goth
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