:: HMS Whinyboat |
:: All Sales Final |
:: Nothing |
:: Death Peach |
:: Pocketwatch Romances |
:: Viridian5 |
:: plastic [>] |
1) Copy & paste all of the above into a wordpad file.
2) Copy the last set of codes (:: plastic [>] |
) and paste as many times as you need a new link.
3) Edit links and link names until satified/done/sick and tired. (Don't forget to save as you work!)
4) Copy contents of file and open Blogger in your browser. Get into your template, and scroll down until you see:
[::..recommended..::] |
5) Select everything below the comments, until you see:
(Don't select this stuff; you'll be very sad if you delete it.)
6) Paste your copied stuff into the selection
7) Save changes, post, and publish -- you'll have a shiny new list of links for everyone to enjoy!