Nine things you wear daily:
1. Celtic cross pendant
2. Triskelion (sp? erk...) pendant
3. Glasses
4. Socks (...and a smile...)
5. Undies, if you must know.
6. Cat/dog hair
7. Jeans
8. Big Black Boots
9. My heart on my sleeve
Eight movies you'd watch over and over:
1. Dogma
2. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
3. U.S. Marshals
4. Men In Black
5. The Princess Bride
6. Star Wars
7. MallRats
8. Clerks
Seven albums that matter:
1. The Fragile
2. Pretty Hate Machine
3. Red Light
4. Celebrity
5. The Internationale
6. Nirvana's Debut Album
7. Jesus Christ Superstar
Six objects you touch every day:
1. Fiach!
2. The telephone
3. My TV remote
4. Food
5. The flush lever for the toilet
6. My glasses
Five things you do every day:
1. Let the dog in/out
2. Talk to the animals
3. Make my Blog rounds
4. Refill at least one dish
5. Take my meds
Four bands/singers that you couldn't live without:
1. They Might Be Giants!
2. Weird Al Yankovic
3. Nobuo Uematsu
4. Handel
Three of your favorite songs at this moment:
1. Can't Get You Outta My Head
2. Snow Is Softly Falling
3. How Can I Keep From Singing?
Two people that have influenced your life the most:
1. My momma
2. ...And Elvis.
One thing you could not spend the rest of your life without:
1. Pets