5 words to describe yourself:
1) Silly
2) Optimistic, usually
3) Flexible
4) Snarky
5) Reliable


5 songs you want everyone to hear:
1) Snow Is Softly Falling
2) Dancing In The Light
3) Walkin' In Jerusalem (Just Like John)
4) The Messiah (which is an oratorio and not a song, I know)
5) The Irish Ballad


5 albums you'd sleep with if albums weren't such inanimate things:
1) Red Light!
2) Broken
3) Celebrity
4) Spicy Stewed Donut
5) Tenchi & Friends At The Hot Springs, I guess.


5 things you want to learn:
1) Patience with others
2) Aikido; the kendo version
3) Finnish
4) How to find my reserves of strength and -use- them, particularly in emergencies
5) How to make headaches go away without NSAIDs/other drugs


5 places you want to go:
1) Japan
2) Finland
3) Norway
4) The U.K.
5) Virgina


5 things that make you happy:
1) Friends
2) Spending time with my silly pets
3) Warm weather, at long last!
4) Being relatively healthy
5) Accomplishing things


5 people that you'd like to meet and chat with* at a pub:
1) Neil Gaiman
2) Lois McMaster Bujold
3) Lynn Flewelling!
4) Trent Reznor
5) the Johns Linnell and Flansburgh


5 movies that you could watch over and over and over: (and have!!!)
1) The Princess Bride
2) I Accuse My Parents
3) Red Zone Cuba
4) MST3K: Shorts Vol. I
5) The Wild Wild World Of Batwoman


5 qualities in people that annoy you:
1) Deliberate obtuseness
2) Condescension
3) Inanity
4) Constant and severe whining
5) Jingoism, warmongering


5 foods that you could live off of:
1) Bread
2) Mashed potatoes
3) French fries
4) My mother's chicken and rice soup
5) Macaroni and cheese


5 things that you drink most frequently:
1) Water
2) Diet cola
3) Squirt
4) Orange juice
5) ...wine?


5 random things about you:
1) My mother taught me to be polite at an incredibly young age; I was forever impressing store employees/customers by saying "I would like..." to my mother.
2) The first thing I can consciously recall linking sounds and letter-shapes with was a No Tresspassing sign.
3) I share a family name with a relatively famous actress' recently-born child, though I doubt there's any kind of blood relationship there.
4) I impressed/disgusted my first-grade teacher and parents by playing with a deceased vole I found while on a nature hike -- I thought it was fascinating, because it was...well, -squishy-. And fuzzy, and so so tiny... I was six! I didn't necessarily know any better! (Er, the vole was intact; it had died of natural causes or a head injury or something.)
5) I sometimes have the ability to tell when a woman is pregnant before anyone else notices, or anyone else is informed that she is.


* This, of course, implies that I would be _able_ to 'chat' with these people. I'm assuming that whatever magic has transferred me to the pub would prevent me from blushing, sweating, stammering, and saying something -really-, _really_ REALLY stupid to any of these people.


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